Export to a text file

  • I'm sure this has been covered before, but does anyone have a stored procedure for exporting SQL text fields into a text file.

  • Would bcp work for you? You can use a query string with bcp to get just the information you desire.


  • I would rather do it via a stored procedure.

  • I don't know how directly - unless you have the stored procedure call xp_cmdShell with a bcp argument.


  • I have ussed the following. You do realize that DTS makes this very easy.

    -- To BCP the table out to a text file

    DECLARE @sql varchar(255)


    SELECT @sql = "master.dbo.xp_cmdshell " + '"bcp dbName.dbo.tableName out F:\BackUp\ExportTableName.txt -c -yourWORKSTATION -Usa -P"'

    EXEC (@SQL)


  • Slight variation using a query and tab as field separator:

    DECLARE @cmd varchar(1000)

    , @sql varchar(1000)

    SET @sql = 'SELECT Field1, Field2'

    SET @sql = @sql + ' FROM dbo.table'

    SET @cmd = 'bcp "' + @sql + '" queryout \\server\docs\test.csv -c -t, -T'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @cmd, no_output

  • How can this method be used to initialize an excel worksheet rather than using Excel's menu option Get External Data?


  • Here's a snippet of some code from a stored proc that extracts contact data to a file. I first insert and format my output within a staging table.

    CREATE PROCEDURE p_extract (@file_nm varchar(255)) AS


    DECLARE @cmd varchar(255)

    -- e.g., @file_nm = 'C:\output.txt'


    -- prepare the extract to file statement

    SELECT @cmd = 'osql -Sservername -Uloginname -P -Q' + CHAR(34) + 'SELECT line_output_txt FROM t_extract' + CHAR(34) + ' -ddatabasename -s' + CHAR(34) + CHAR(34) + ' -w3000' + ' -o' + @file_nm

    -- extract the records to the specified file

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd


  • Gary,

    If you want to create/get data from Excel use OPENDATASOURCE. It is by far the easier way to go. The only problems I have had is that I have to isolate the distributed transactions I have going across multiple servers from the ones I do going against the OPENDATASOURCE query.

    INSERT INTO #TempTable(<FieldList>)
    SELECT <FieldList>
    ,'Data Source="<FilePath>.xls";User ID=Admin;Password=;Extended properties=Excel 8.0'

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Gary,

    Looks like you are opening a text file. I think Guarddata was looking for outputting to a file. Can OpenDataSource be used for outputting?

  • lambje,

    What "Gary" are you refering to? 🙂

    I was responding to Gary Billins question on Excel files only. For text files I would use BCP as stated above. But for Excel I actually prefer to use OPENDATASOURCE as I never have to shell out to do it. The problem with OPENDATASOURCE against Excel is that you must use an XLS file. Unfortunately OPENDATASOURCE doesn't support writing directly to a text file (at least as far as I have found in my use of it).

    Gary Johnson

    Microsoft Natural Language Group

    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

  • Yes, you are the Gary I was referring to. I apologize as I didn't follow the whole flow. I did learn something new though. I'll put OpenDataSource in my toolkit as I seem to be doing more file-related activities these days.

    Thanks, Jeff

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