Export Data to XML Format

  • There are 5 steps to it:

    Step 1:

    Click on the External Data Ribbon, then choose Export More XML File

    Step 2:

    Access will ask for the path to store the XML file. It will provide option to browse to the location to choose the path and name the XML file.

    Step 3:

    This involves the step to choose the file type. By defualt access provides 3 file types. Namely

    Data (XML) – creates a XML file with all the content of all the records in the table as selected.

    Schema (XSD) – it doesn't contain any data, but stores the definition which describes the selected table.

    Presentation (XSL) – defines how a browser can convert the data in the XML file into HTML web page (which displays normally online).

    If one wants to export the related tables as well one can select the more option on this screen.Here in our example we choose the first option [Data(XML)].

    Step 4:

    Click on OK to generate the XML file.


    If some one wants to repeat this same process without going through the wizard once again, then they can do so by checking the option "Save Export Steps".


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