Export Data from SQL Server 2000 or earlier

  • Is there any way I could export data to excel or other database(SQL Server 2008 or 2012) from SQL Server 2000 or earlier?

    I tried to use SQL Server Import and Export Wizard but It complains that SQL Server Native Client 11.0 doesn't support SQL Server 2000 or earlier

  • bcp will do a csv export of data. That should work.

    If you can select the data in SSMS, you can save the grid results as a csv as well.

  • If you are trying to insert data from sql server 2000 into an earlier version of SQL Server, you can use linked servers.

    insert into schema.table select * from linkOldSql2000.old_db.schema.table

    insert into schema.table (column1,column2) select column1,column2 from linkOldSql2000.old_db.schema.table

    select * into schema.new_table from linkOldSql2000.old_db.schema.table

    You can also generate "INSERT" scripts from sql server 2000 or use the bcp command line tool and BULK COPY like Steve said.

    Jonathan Bernardez Bernardez
    DBD. MCSA SQL Server 2012

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