Expanding Hierarchies......with a twist

  • I have a bit of a twist on the BOL example of expanding Hierarchies. It's a real brain melter for me so I hope someone out ther can lend me a hand.

    I found the example in BOL helpful but what quest I really need answered is this: If I supply you with two parameters (eg: 9 and 10). Can you tell me if 9 is a parent of 10. I can get this answer if I just pass in 9 and look at the result of the tree, but I need it to be a little more robust than that by beian able to handle two parameters and telling me where they fall in the tree. Based off of this I can pass back a literal string of Child, Sibling or other(Not related): Here is the code to create the table, insert statements and the modified code from BOL that currently accepts one parameter:

    ---Table Creation

    CREATE TABLE Hierarchy

       (Parent    int null,

        Child     int not null

       CONSTRAINT UIX_ParentChild

       UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (Parent,Child))


     ON Hierarchy(Parent)


    ---Insert statments

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(Null,1)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(1,8)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(8,9)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(9,10)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(9,11)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(9,12)     

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(1,13)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(13,14)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(13,15)

    Insert Hierarchy VALUES(1,21)

    INSERT Hierarchy VALUES(1,20)


    ---Modified BOL query

    DECLARE @current int

    DECLARE @lvl int           ---Level in the Hierarchy

    DECLARE @line char(20)


    Select @current = 8   -------Starting point where you want to look at the Hierarchy

       CREATE TABLE #stack (item int,

       lvl int


       INSERT INTO #stack VALUES (@current,1)

       SELECT @lvl = 1

    --select * from #stack

    --drop table #stack

       WHILE @lvl > 0


             IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #stack WHERE lvl = @lvl)


                   SELECT @current = item

                   FROM #stack

                   WHERE lvl = @lvl

                   SELECT @line = space(@lvl - 1) + @current

                   PRINT @line

            DELETE FROM #stack

                   WHERE lvl = @lvl

                      AND item = @current

                   INSERT #stack

                      SELECT Child, @lvl + 1

                      FROM Hierarchy

                      WHERE parent = @current

                      ORDER BY Child DESC


                   IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0

                      SELECT @lvl = @lvl + 1



                SELECT @lvl = @lvl - 1

       END -- WHILE

    drop table #stack

  • Hey,

    Check out if this SQL stored proc is what you are looking or helps you get there:

    create procedure dbo.usp_getItemLevels(@item1 integer, @item2 integer)



     create table #hierarchy_levels (

      parent integer,

      item integer,

      level integer )

     -- **** Determining all "root" levels ****

     insert into #hierarchy_levels(parent, item, level) select null, child, 0 from hierarchy where parent is null

     -- **** Determing all "sibling" levels ****

     declare @parent_level as integer, @rows_found as integer

     set @parent_level = 0

     while (1 = 1)


       insert into #hierarchy_levels (parent, item, level)


           parent, child, level = @parent_level + 1




          parent in (select item from #hierarchy_levels where level = @parent_level)


       set @rows_found = @@rowcount

       -- exit loop when no more rows found for @parent_level

       if (@rows_found = 0) break

       -- look at "next" parent level

       set @parent_level = @parent_level + 1  


     -- **** Getting/Outputting results ****

     declare @parent1 as integer, @level1 as integer

     declare @parent2 as integer, @level2 as integer

     select @parent1 = parent, @level1 = level from #hierarchy_levels where item = @item1 group by parent, level

     select @parent2 = parent, @level2 = level from #hierarchy_levels where item = @item2 group by parent, level

     declare @relation as varchar(255)

     set @relation =


         when ( @parent2 = @item1 ) then 'Child'  -- @item2 is child of @item1

         when ( @parent1 = @item2 ) then 'Parent'   -- @item2 is parent of @item1

         when ( @parent2 = @parent1 ) then 'Sibling' -- @item2, @item1 have same parent

         else 'Other'  -- for other relationships / non-relationship between @item1, @item2


     select @relation as relation, @level1 as item1_level, @level2 as item2_ level





  • Thank you for your response JP, I believe this will get me closer to what I was looking for, a thousand thanks.

    To give you a little more background, what I would like the two items to represent is this:

    @item 1--The level of the user that is being updated

    @item2-- The level of the user performing the action

    So in a given scenario, Jon Doe(belongs to level 10) is wanting to update another users record in the same level(level 8). But since Jon is a child of the updated record I'd like the output to look like the following:

    Child 8,10 (Jon cannot update a parent)

    Another example would be

    Sibling 9,10 (9 and 10 are children of 8)

    So the relationships I'd like to passback are child, sibling, other(Like passing in two un-related levels eg: 20 and 8,(same root parent but 20 is not a child of 8).

    So how can I change the code without mangling this fine piece of work you've provided for me?

    Demico Q. 

  • Hey Demico,

    I edited the SQL proc in my previous post based on the info in your last reply (refer to my previous post for the edited code, it is in bold).

    Just an FYI:

    In your latest post, if I use the table values inserted in your original post then

    - 8 is the grandparent of 10

    - 9 is the child of 8 and 10 is the grandchild of 8

    - 20 and 8 are siblings since they have the same parent 1



  • Thank you very much for your help on this JP. Your solution "fits the bill".


  • Hi JP

    Using the solution for finding levels I am able to go up the tree to find the grand parent of the id I provide. So far I have three levels and a simple sub select works well finding the grandparent. The probelm I'm having is not being able to go up the tree if I say....have 4 or 5 levels found in the hierarchy. Do you have any suggestions for creating some code that doesn't care where you start in the hierarchy it will always find it's great grandparent?

    Note: All parents whether grand or great will be found in level 1.


  • Hey Demicoq,

    Try to see if this is what you are looking for:

    create procedure dbo.usp_FindParentOf


      @item integer,

      @parent_relation varchar(50) = 'parent'




      -- table to store the parent level_counters

      declare @parent_level_counters table (

        parent_relation varchar(50),

        level_counter integer


      -- populating table with all the parent relationships interested in finding

      -- (note: keep on insert parent levels as needed)

      insert into @parent_level_counters values('parent', 1)

      insert into @parent_level_counters values('grandparent', 2)

      insert into @parent_level_counters values('great grandparent', 3)

      insert into @parent_level_counters values('great great grandparent', 4)

      -- retrieve the level_counter of the parent relation to find

      declare @parent_level_counter as integer

      select @parent_level_counter = level_counter from @parent_level_counters where parent_relation = @parent_relation

      declare @level_counter as integer, @parent as integer, @rows_found as integer, @temp_item as integer

      set @level_counter = 0

      set @rows_found = -1

      set @temp_item = @item

      -- loop to find the item in hierarchy that is the @parent_relation of @item

      while ( @level_counter < @parent_level_counter and @rows_found != 0 )


        -- get the 'parent' of @item

        select @parent = parent from hierarchy where child = @temp_item


        -- keep track of how many rows found (this is so that loop "immediately" exits in

        -- cases when no more parents found before reaching @parent_level_counter)

        set @rows_found = @@rowcount


        -- now, set @temp_item to @parent to move up the hierarchy

        set @temp_item = @parent

        -- increment counter to move up 1 level

        set @level_counter = @level_counter + 1


      -- returning the results

      declare @out_msg as varchar(255)

      set @out_msg =

        case when ( @level_counter = @parent_level_counter ) then

          cast(@parent as varchar) + ' is the ' + @parent_relation + ' of ' + cast(@item as varchar)


          'No ' + @parent_relation + ' found in hierarchy for ' + cast(@item as varchar)


      select @out_msg as result


  • This is close but what I need it do is always find the highest level in the hierarchy where the type is = 1. It just so happens that Type indirectly corresponds to the levels that the query you supplied in your earlier posts finds. (#Hierachy_levels)

    For example if I supply a domain of 12 I should get back a domainID of 13, which is a great grandparent of domainID 24. 24 is the DomainID of domain 12. So the chain would be 17 is the parent of 24, 14 is the grand parent of 24, and 13 is the great grandparent of 24.


    I've included the table creation and insert statements to reproduce

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Domain] (

     [DomainID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,

     [DomainTypeID] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [DomainName] [varchar] (80) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [Domain] [varchar] (80) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [DomainParent] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Domain] ADD




    &nbsp  ON [PRIMARY] ,




    &nbsp  ON [PRIMARY]


    ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Domain] ADD




    &nbsp REFERENCES [dbo].[Domain] (





    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(1,'SUPPORT','SUPPORT',NULL)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(1,'H3019','20',1)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(2,'Dr. George AbersolNetwork','2',8)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr. Demico Quinn','3',9)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr. David Reyes','4',9)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr.Ears,Nose and Throat','5',9)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(1,'H3021','21',1)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(2,'Plastic surgeryNetwork','6',13)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr.Scartissue','7',14)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr.Botox','8',14)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(1,'H3022','22',1)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(1,'H3023','23',1)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(2,'Dermatology Network','9',18)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr.Acne','10',21)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(3,'Dr.Phisoderm','11',21)

    INSERT INTO [domain] ([DomainTypeID],[DomainName],[Domain],[DomainParent])VALUES(4,'IndDoctorbotox','12',17)

  • Quick note: Here is the modified script to go with the script you provided me with last week.

    DECLARE @domain varchar(80)

    set @domain = '12' --This guy happens to have a parent of 9(network) and a grandparent of 8 which is a hospital.

    create table #hierarchy_levels2 (

      parent integer,

      item int,

      domaintypeID int,

      domain varchar(80),

      Domain_level integer )

    --Drop Table #hierarchy_levels2

     -- **** Determining all "root" levels ****

     insert into #hierarchy_levels2(parent,domaintypeid,item, domain, domain_level)

       select null, domaintypeid,domainid, domain, 0

       from Domain

       where DomainParent is null

    select * from #hierarchy_levels2

     -- **** Determing all "sibling" levels ****

    Declare @parent_level as integer

    Declare @rows_found as integer

    set @parent_level = 0

     while (1 = 1)


       insert into #hierarchy_levels2 (parent, domaintypeid,item, domain, Domain_level)


           DomainParent, domaintypeid, domainid, domain, Domain_level = @parent_level + 1




          Domainparent in (select item from #hierarchy_levels2 where Domain_level = @parent_level)


       set @rows_found = @@rowcount

       -- exit loop when no more rows found for @parent_level

       if (@rows_found = 0) break

       -- look at "next" parent level

       set @parent_level = @parent_level + 1  


    --Bring back the parent and or grandparent

    select domainparent

    from domain

    where domainid = (select Parent

    from #hierarchy_levels2

    where domain = @domain AND Domain_level <> 0 and domaintypeid = 1)

  • Any luck with this question J.P.?

  • Ok figured it out. Here is the solution.(one way to solve that is.......)

    DECLARE @domain varchar(80)

    DECLARE @domainid int

    Select @domain = '7'

    --Get the domainid of the domain that is being passed in.

    SELECT @domainid = domainid FROM Domain WHERE domain = @domain

    --print @domainid --Debug


    create table #hierarchy_levels (

      item int,

      parent integer,

      domain varchar(80),

      Domain_level integer)


            @level int


            @level = 1

    --Go into loop to grab the hierarchy of the perspective domainid that was derived from previous step.

        insert #hierarchy_levels select domainid,domainparent,domain,@level from Domain Where

     @domainid = domainid


        While @@ROWCOUNT > 0


            Select @level = @level + 1

            insert #hierarchy_levels

            select  domainid,domainparent,domain,@level from Domain as new

            where domainid in (select parent from #hierarchy_levels)

            and not exists(select * from #hierarchy_levels as old where old.item =

    new.domainid and ISNULL(old.parent, -1) = ISNULL(new.domainparent, -1))


        update #hierarchy_levels

        set domain_level = (domain_level-@level)*(-1)


    --get chain for the perspective item passed in. Looking for the parent just below the root, which we do not want.

    Select item from #hierarchy_levels where domain <> 'SUPPORT' AND parent = 1

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