Execution plan for Stored procedure

  • Hi,

    This is a bit of a tip, as well as an invitation for comments or suggestions.

    I was trying to optimise a stored procedure, when something really odd happened:

    The procedure is really simple:



    create procedure tmp_InsertTest (

    @PeriodFrom int,

    @PeriodTo int

    ) as


    create table #NetColl(

    ClientCode int,

    AccCode int,

    Period int,

    Amount money)

    insert into #NetColl

    select tc.ClientCode,




    from Transactions_Current tc (nolock)

    where tc.Period >= @PeriodFrom and tc.Period <= @PeriodTo
    group by tc.ClientCode, tc.ClientAccCode, tc.Period

    select * from #NetColl

    This procedure took 80 seconds to run, the plan showed that it was using an index scan.

    By just adding declarations and re-assigning the variables, the time dropped to 19 seconds!
    The plan showed that in this version, it was using a clustered index scan.

    PROCEDURE 2: (bits in CAPS are changed)

    create procedure tmp_InsertTest (
    @PeriodFrom int,
    @PeriodTo int
    ) as

    @PERIODFROM2 int,
    @PERIODTO2 int

    SET @PERIODFROM2 = @PeriodFrom
    SET @PERIODTO2 = @PeriodTo

    create table #NetColl(
    ClientCode int,
    AccCode int,
    Period int,
    Amount money)

    insert into #NetColl
    select tc.ClientCode,
    from Transactions_Current tc (nolock)
    where tc.Period >= @PERIODFROM2 and tc.Period <= @PERIODTO2
    group by tc.ClientCode, tc.ClientAccCode, tc.Period

    select * from #NetColl

    What boggles me is, Why would the optimiser create a different plan based on that small change?

    PS: Using the clustered index resulted in the fastest plan.


  • The effect is called Parameter sniffing

    you may have had the same effect adding with recomplie at the procedure declaration

    This happens a lot when the number of records to be returned can vary drastically from one set of parameters to another



    * Noel

  • I understand if the parameter values are different what you said makes sense. Newbie are the parameter values the same.

    I have read somewhere that using local variables to the procedure improves the performance. Is it true.If so why ???

  • Thanks for the input Noel, Ill read up on that.

    Kudla, the parameters are sometimes the same, and somethimes not the same. made no difference in this case.

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