Execute Statement Button

  • It would be nice to have the same 'Execute Statement' functionality as in TOAD for SQL Server. I am using Beta 1 and this does not exist. I used to use TOAD for SQL Server and you could put the cursor on a statement and just run the current statement. If you try to do this in Server Management Studio, it always runs all statements in the query window unless you highlight a particular statement. It would be nice to have this feature in SMS so that it would be easier to run quick queuries in the same SQL window. Does anyone know how I could go about submitting this to Microsoft for consideration....that is, if it does not already exist in Beta 2!!

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • You should use the MSDN Product Feedback center to add new suggestions. Make sure you describe your suggestion in detail. For instance, what counts as a statement? In this example, what happens if you have the marker on the update statement?

    IF (check some important conditions)

    UPDATE some critical data


    do not update

  • Thanks Chris and Site Owners. I will use the link provided to give suggestions and/or feedback. Once again, thanks for the help! I just want to help make the product much better!

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