Execute SQL Task/ Using resultset in data flow

  • Hi-

    If i execute a SELECT statement/stored procedure within Execute SQL Task and want to use the access the resultant rows in data flow, the option i could think is store the results or rows fetched in a resultset variable (that has package scope) and use it in data flow.

    can someone tell me the steps to follow to use records from the resultset variable as source for transformations? one way i could i achive this is store the return results from SQL task in a table and use it as source. I want to know how i can do this without using an intermediate table.



  • Why don't you just run the SELECT/SP from the data flow source?

    So use a OLE DB Source Connection, change the Data access mode to SQL command and ad your SELECT or SP in the SQL command text.

  • thanks. I'm still thinking the way i used to with DTS:)

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