March 31, 2006 at 8:34 am
i have an execute SQl task that returns a single field which i want to use to update a global variable. can abnybody talk me through how to do this please
April 3, 2006 at 8:00 am
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April 4, 2006 at 10:04 am
I got that with a SQL Task, in the result set tab I set the Result name to the column "ID" (which is what's called in the SQL statement) and the variable to "User::typeID" which is a package int. variable. It seems to work.
Skål - jh
April 4, 2006 at 11:32 am
thank you thats done the trick, now for the other direction, how to apply a glogal variable into a execute sql query task
global variable is Licence
if my sql statement is similar to this how can i use the global variable licence
Deacare @company varchar(10)
select @company = company from tablecompamy where licence = ( global variable )
April 4, 2006 at 1:00 pm
I'm just begining too I *think* it goes like this. Be sure you are in task panel and not clicked into any tasks and add a variable, it should be package level scope. then in the SQL TASK expand the expressions list and look for SQLStatemnentSource source click the [...] button. in the little window that opens you will have to construct some dyno SQL like:
WHERE name =
'" + @[User::SQL_Name] + "'
AND objectID =
" + (DT_STR,5,1252)@[User::ItemtID] + "
AND contentTypeID =
" + (DT_STR,5,1252)@[User::TypeID] + "
AND latestVersion =
" + (DT_STR,5,1252)@[User::Version]
You could probably build it all into another variable, but I haven't figured that one out yet.
Skål - jh
April 5, 2006 at 3:42 am
This is what i have done, and for the life of me i carnt get it to work, If i substitie a value for the @glicence its fine works perfect, but trying to assing the @gLicence from a veriable just isnt happining
Execute SQl Task SQL Statement
Declare @gLicence varchar(6)
FROM [Bossdata].[dbo].[ARUC_HEADERS]
WHERE Licence = @gLicence
AND AdviceNumber = (SELECT AdviceNumber
FROM [XML Processing].[dbo].[TempARUCHeader]))
INSERT [Bossdata].[dbo].[ARUC_HEADERS]
SELECT @gLicence, T1.ReportType, T1.AdviceNumber, T1.currentProcessingDate,
T2.UserName, T2.UserNumber,
T3.number, T3.Sortcode, T3.BankName, T3.BranchName, NULL AS 'Posted'
FROM [XML Processing].[dbo].[TempARUCHeader] AS T1 CROSS JOIN
[XML Processing].[dbo].[TempARUCServiceLicenceInformation] AS T2 CROSS JOIN
[XML Processing].[dbo].[TempARUCOriginatinAccountRecord] AS T3
i have two parameters mapped as follows:
Variable Name Direction Data Type Parameter Name
User::sLicence Input VARCHAR @gLicence
Variable is declared as datatype String and scope Package
for some reason the inset @glicence is inserting a NULL instead of the value assigned to sLicence. Ive spent hours on this and thus far come up with a blank.... help !!!
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