Execute SQL Agent job task problem in SSIS - how to not do the next step until job has finished running

  • Griffster (8/2/2011)

    STOP PRESS...it's working now! May be I hadn't updated the package after all! Thanks for your help.

    Ah, glad that you found the issue.

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  • To throw out an answer to the original question, here's a utility proc I've used for a few years when I need to call other jobs and wait for completion. Wrote it myself, so no source disclaimers needed, use and modify as needed.

    It's written as of SQL2005, appears to work on higher versions but not rigorously tested on anything higher.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_SQLAgent_ExecuteJobAndWait]

    (@JobName varchar(1000),

    @WaitTime varchar(8) = '00:00:05'




    Declare @JobID UniqueIdentifier,

    @ExecDT datetime,

    @ExecD int,

    @ExecT int,

    @JobStatus int,

    @ReturnCode int,

    @ErrText varchar(200),

    @ErrCode int,

    @_WaitTime varchar(8),

    @ExecDTNum bigint ;

    SET @_WaitTime = @WaitTime;-- use local variable to avoid possible parm sniffing issue

    SET @JobID = (SELECT job_id FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs WHERE name=@JobName);

    IF Len(rtrim(ltrim(@JobName))) = 0

    OR IsNull(convert(varchar(255),@JobID),'')=''


    SET @ErrText = 'Job Name "' + @JobName + '" not valid';

    RAISERROR (@ErrText, 16, 1);



    SET @ExecDT = GETDATE();

    -- date is a number formatted as yyyymmdd

    SET @ExecD = (DATEPART(Year,@ExecDT) * 10000) +

    (DATEPART(Month,@ExecDT) * 100) +


    -- time is a number formatted as hhmmss

    SET @ExecT = (DATEPART(Hour,@ExecDT) * 10000) +

    (DATEPART(Minute,@ExecDT) * 100) +


    SET @ExecDTNum = (CONVERT(bigint,@ExecD)*1000000) + @ExecT;

    -- create a 5-second difference between the captured initial

    -- time and the job's start time

    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05';

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @JobName;

    SET @ErrCode = @@ERROR;

    IF @ErrCode <> 0


    SET @ErrText = 'Error ' + CONVERT(varchar,@ErrCode) + ' starting job "' + @JobName + '"';

    RAISERROR (@ErrText, 16, 1);


    SET @JobStatus = NULL; ;

    WHILE (@JobStatus IS NULL)


    WAITFOR DELAY @WaitTime;


    Job statuses:

    0 = Failed

    1 = Succeeded

    2 = Retry

    3 = Canceled

    4 = In progress


    SET @JobStatus = (SELECT TOP 1 run_status

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory

    WHERE job_id = @JobID

    AND ((CONVERT(bigint,run_date)*1000000) + run_time) > @ExecDTNum

    AND step_id=0

    ORDER BY run_date DESC, run_time DESC );


    IF @JobStatus <> 1


    SET @ErrText = 'Job failure on "' + @JobName + '"';

    -- job didn't end successfully. 0 would indicate success.



  • Eurgh...I thought I'd cracked this one but it seems to be inconsistent. The last two times this has run in the daytime the send mail task has run before the sql agent job has completed. Could it be due to when the stored procedure is being run first after the sql agent job has been started?

    I'm starting to think I may need to re-design this package and drop the Execute Sql agent job task (as it's too unreliable for programming in sequence) and use an execute sql task using one of the techniques here. This way, I can guarantee the WAIT command will be actioned. Would you agree?

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