Execute Query

  • Hi


        i have to do some updates to the temp table which is below,The tables from where iam doing updates

        has more then 6377738 rows  in each of the two tables which are



    Update #tmp

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,LastName = c.LastName,FirstName = c.FirstName,LossDate = c.LossDate,InClaimFile = 1

    From GE_Claim c Inner Join GE_Reserve r

    On c.PolicyNumber = r.PolicyNumber And c.TableCode = r.TableCode And c.SeriesCode = r.SeriesCode

    And c.IssueAge = r.IssueAge And c.Gender = r.Gender

    And c.EffectiveDate = r.EffectiveDate

    Where c.LossDate in (Select Max(LossDate) from GE_Claim

    Where PolicyNumber = c.PolicyNumber And TableCode = c.TableCode And SeriesCode = c.SeriesCode

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode)


    what happens is  when i run this query it takes a very long  time to execute,is there any solution to this ?


  • Make sure you have indexes properly defined on the two tables you are selecting from.  Best candidates are those columns used in joins and WHERE clauses.  Maybe a covering index on PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode, IssueAge, Gender and EffectiveDate on both tables would be a good idea.  You have to balance index creation with the overhead of maintaining them: if you won't be running this query very often then it may be better to take the hit of the long running time rather than create indexes that may only be seldom used elsewhere.

    Also, you may want to experiment with rewriting the last part ("Where c.LossDate...") as a join with the derived table.  I don't know whether this will have any effect, but it's worth trying.

    Is auto update statistics turned on?  Your problem may be that the query optimizer is choosing the wrong execution plan because of out-of-date statistics.

    Compare execution plans before you run the queries if you suspect they're going to take a long time... and don't forget to run DBCC FREEPROCCACHE each time first.

    Good luck!


  • any other option i have tried all these but no luck any other suggestion?

  • The syntax is incorrect, you aren't correlating the table being updated:

    Update T

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,LastName = c.LastName,FirstName = c.FirstName,LossDate = c.LossDate,InClaimFile = 1

    From #Tmp As T

    Inner Join GE_Claim As c 

      <Join the #Tmp key columns here>

  • i have to make a join between table GE_Claim and GE_Reserve.

     can you explain a little more  and show me what are you saying ,may be i did not understood it

    Inner Join GE_Claim As c

      <Join the #Tmp key columns here>

  • You have 3 tables involved in your UPDATE query.

    1 is the target of the update (#Tmp)

    2 are the source of the data to be updated (GE_Claim and GE_Reserve).

    All three must be joined together in the FROM. Failure to join #Tmp (via it's alias of "T" in my example) results in every row in #Tmp being updated for every row in the other 2. Produces the wrong result and creates a cartesian product that generates many millions of rows and runs for hours or days.

    You need to join #Tmp in the FROM.




  • can you show me the syntax how to do it.




  • Insufficient info.

    What are the column or columns that uniquelty identify each #Tmp record and join it to the resultset of GE_Claim and GE_Reserve.

  • PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode,---exists both in GE_Claim and GE_Reserve

    LossDate,InClaimFile----------------exists in GE_Claim

    WaiverofPremium------------------exists in GE_Reserve

    i have created a temp table as follows

    create table #tmp

    (PolicyNumber varchar(10)

    , TableCode  varchar(3)

    , SeriesCode varchar(1)

    , IssueAge tinyint

    , Gender    char

    , EffectiveDate smalldatetime

    , WaiverOfPremium decimal

    , ClaimNumber varchar(7)

    , LastName varchar(20)

    , FirstName varchar(15)

    , LossDate datetime

    , InClaimFile bit




  • Update #tmp

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,LastName = c.LastName,FirstName = c.FirstName,LossDate = c.LossDate,InClaimFile = 1

    From GE_Claim c Inner Join GE_Reserve r

    On c.PolicyNumber = r.PolicyNumber And c.TableCode = r.TableCode And c.SeriesCode = r.SeriesCode

    And c.IssueAge = r.IssueAge And c.Gender = r.Gender

    And c.EffectiveDate = r.EffectiveDate

    Where c.LossDate in (Select Max(LossDate) from GE_Claim

    Where PolicyNumber = c.PolicyNumber And TableCode = c.TableCode And SeriesCode = c.SeriesCode

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode)


    Perhaps you should create a temporary table with the latest "LossDate" for each PolicyNumber/TableCode/SerisCode combination, and then do an inner join to that temporary table instead of doing the expensive sub-select...

  • Select Max(LossDate) as LossDate

    INTO #GE_Claim_LossDate

    from GE_Claim

    Group By PolicyNumber, TableCode, SeriesCode


    Update T

    Set ClaimNumber = c.ClaimNumber,LastName = c.LastName,FirstName = c.FirstName,LossDate = c.LossDate,InClaimFile = 1

    From #tmp T

    Inner join GE_Claim c

    On T.PolicyNumber = c.PolicyNumber And T.TableCode = c.TableCode And T.SeriesCode = c.SeriesCode

    And T.IssueAge = c.IssueAge And T.Gender = c.Gender

    And T.EffectiveDate = c.EffectiveDate

    Inner Join GE_Reserve r

    On c.PolicyNumber = r.PolicyNumber And c.TableCode = r.TableCode And c.SeriesCode = r.SeriesCode

    And c.IssueAge = r.IssueAge And c.Gender = r.Gender

    And c.EffectiveDate = r.EffectiveDate

    Inner Join #GE_Claim_LossDate L

    on c.Lossdate = L.Lossdate


    This is assuming you already have data in #tmp. You're question might be how to INSERT, not UPDATE as it was in another thread in this forum.


    Ronald San Juan | SQL DBA
    ID 710124 ~ Code "Northwind"

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