Execute Process Task

  • Hi,
    I have SQL Server 2014 running on a Windows Server 2012.
    Until now, when I needed to post a file to an SFTP site with or without pgp, I would call a batch file from SSIS using the Execute Process Task, and that in turn would execute WSFTP_Pro client with a script on  the sever and process the file.
    Very simple really, the batch file is like this
    \\ServerName\WSFTPPro\ftpscrpt -f \\ServerName\ProjectShares\Files\SCP\PUT_TEST.scp
    The file called by WSFTP_Pro is this.
    auth ssh 2
    TRACE E:\ProjectShares\LOGS\TESTTranstrace.txt
    log E:\ProjectShares\LOGS\TESTtranlog.txt
    user ???????
    PASS ????????
    CONNECT "Shared Sites!?????????"
    cd /users/name/Prod/
    ONERROR goto disconnect
    mput *_TEST.DAT
    label filedelete
    This used to work without fail and no issues.
    Since my switch to a new server I am having some sort of permission error running the task.
    If I run it from SSIS no problem. I run the job while I am logged into the server via remote desktop , no problem. If I disconnect RD but still stay logged in, no problem.
    However if I log off the server, the job runs, the task does not fail, but the file does not transfer.
    I use a credentialed proxy, a domain account. I have tried pretty much every combination I can think of from a permissions aspect.
    I have called wsftp pro from the execute Process Task, same results.
    I have created a windows task, which works when I am logged off, but if I call the task using SSIS, same results as above.
    I need to have the file onsite by a certain time, and the SSIS run time varies greatly depending on how many work orders are being processed, which is why I am not quite comfortable just setting the windows task to run.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.

  • Please check the account SSIS is running under. It could be a permission issue. Just a hunch.

  • Yes, I believe it is a permission issue of some sort, I have even given the executable and the folders explicit permissions on the login.
    As mentioned I have tried every combo I can think of both with and without a proxy.

    I am thinking it may have more to do with the pgp key account permissions now. I have tried the script on a non pgp site and it does function correctly.

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  • I have made the calling a Scheduled Task portion work for this.
    The solution was relatively easy and a bit embarrassing to admit to at the same time.
    In the widows task scheduler it has a check box to allow the task to run when not logged in, checking that allows the Execute Process task to properly run the task.
    For the rest of it though, I have no resolution and since I can create the tasks needed and run them from SSIS, I have stopped working the issue.
    thanks for the responses.

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