Execute process task

  • I have an execute process task in my dtsx package which runs a bat file which renames a text file with the current date.

    This process runs successfully and the bat file updates the >>logfile but fails to rename the text file. If I run the bat file outside of the package it renames the file and updates the >>logfile

    The bat file is:


    @call set log-file=\\myservername\shared\Receipts\backuplog.txt

    @ECHO ++++++++++++ %date%++++++++++++++

    :: set variable today as system date

    set today=%date%

    :: set variable today1 as system date without the /

    set today1=%today:/=%

    ::set daymonth variable by truncating variable today1 as ddmm

    set daymonth=%today1:~0,4%

    :: set year variable by truncating variable today1 as yy

    set year=%today1:~6,2%

    :: rename file Yddmmyy1 as Ydaymonthyear1.txt

    cd \\myservername\shared\Receipts

    ren Yddmmyy1.txt Y%daymonth%%year%1.txt

    ::log action

    @ECHO *********************************************************** >>%log-file%

    @CALL Date /T >>%log-file%

    @CALL Time /T >>%log-file%

    @echo rename.bat has run. If it exists Yddmmyy1.txt File renamed as Y%daymonth%%year%1.txt >>%log-file%


    If i use a scheduled task to run the bat file this also renames the txt file ok .

    Can anyone advise me why it won't rename the file when called by an execute process task in a dtsx package?

  • If you are executing the dtsx package as a sql job, make sure that the credentials under which the job is running have modify permissions on the folder in which your files are located. You may need to create a "Credential" in the SQL Server instance that is running the job, and set that credential as a proxy for the job.

    If it's not being run by a sql job, I too would like to know what is the root of the problem.

  • I haven't got as far as running it as an sql job yet . This is still being debugged in BIDS. It runs with full admin rights.

    I have discovered if I use a drive mapping file path instead of a URL for the executable path in the execute process task it works

    (i.e. k:\Receipts\rename.bat

    instead of


    But ........

    I now get the open file security warning and have to click on "run " before it will execute.

    Any advice on how to get rid of this warning would be appreciated.

  • ok I searched other forums and found a work around for How to tell the Execute Process Task not to open the Security Warning dialog :


    Instead of using the Execute Process Task to call a batch file, use it to call C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe and then point it to the batch file as part of the command line arguments.

    For example, The Execute Process Task would use the following as the executable:


    The new Execute Process Task uses the following:

    Executable: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

    Arguments: /C \\myservername\shared\Receipts\rename.bat

    It works- no open file security warning !

    However it then fails to rename the file again so back to the original problem. How to get the cmd.exe to execute in the correct location and therefore rename the file.


    I found the working directory property in the execute process task has to be set to the location of the file.

    The final version Execute Process Task uses the following:

    Executable: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe

    Arguments: /C \\myservername\shared\Receipts\rename.bat

    WorkingDirectory: k:\Receipts\rename.bat

    NB It doesnt rename the file if the WorkingDirectory uses the URL filepath \\myservername\shared\Receipts\rename.bat

    And it doesn't seem to matter whether I use \\myservername\shared\Receipts\rename.bat or k:\Receipts\rename.bat

    in the .bat file

    Hope this helps anyone

  • Thank you Lizzy good work.

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