Execute Package Task error

  • I have a package that uses "Execute Package Task" to run another package.  When I execute the second package it runs fine.  When I execute the step to call the second package it errors out with the following "Execution was cancelled by user" and the second package does not run.


    Any ideas?


  • May be the 2nd pkg id is not updated into the 1st one.

    As a rule, I update all the pkg ids before execute any "Execute package task".

    To do so, you can use:

    set objPaquete=CreateObject("DTS.Package")

    objPaquete.loadfromsqlserver trim(DTSGlobalVariables("SQLServer").Value),"","","256",,,,"PKG-Name"



    set objPaquete=nothing

    After that, use a "Dynamic properties task" to update the property "Package ID" of the "Execute package task" step.

    Hope it works.

  • I am doing this from within DTS.  I am not sure how or where I would use the code you posted.  I added a task that has the 2nd package as its package name.  I do not put a password in.  I am not sure what password I would use or if I need one.


  • Open up the execute-pkg-task and cut/paste the package name.  This will reset the package Id.  When moving DTS pkgs between servers (dev->test->prod) I do this for all these types of tasks.


  • Even better, use something similar to the earlier script to wipe out the packageID altogether. This ensures the package is loaded by name only. In which case the latest version is always loaded.

    You would put the script in an ActiveScript task that execute prior to the ExecutePackage task.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • We're experiencing the same problem with the "Execution Cancelled by User" at my company with a one server in particular, call it Server 1. We have another server, call it Server 2, which has a DTS package that has an Execute Package Task that executes a package on Server 1. When the package on Server 2 is run, we get the "Execution Cancelled by User" error. Running the package directly on Server 1 results in no error. We created a new package on Server 1 that runs the original Server 1 package via Execute Package Task, and this gives the "Execution Cancelled by User" error as well. We have not tried substituting DTSRun.exe in place of the Execute Package Task yet. I am wondering if anyone has been able to duplicate this issue consistenly for Micrsoft. I've done searches on Google that indicate this is not a new nor particularly rare problem, yet I have not seen a definitive solution from Microsoft or anyone else. Actually, from what I have read, part of the problem is no one can come up with a concrete way to reproduce the problem, which makes it difficult to troubleshoot. We cannot duplicate this issue on any of our other SQL servers. Has anyone been able to come up with a way to consistently reproduce the problem, and more importantly, come up with a definitive solution.

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