Execute a stored procedure inside a user defined function

  • dear kumar..

    i knew the basics in SQL. what i m asking is some example for executing sql query which is passed thru another function like follows:

    select dbo.test('select colname from table')

    so this test() function pass the select query as string to another function and that second function has to return the result for the select statement.

    Is it possible?

    The way you have written it is not possible. You can't pass a select statement as parameter.

    Why don't you use it like this:

    SELECT dbo.test(colname) from table.

    Otherwise you have to run a loop and then get each row of column one by one in a variable and then pass that variable to function.

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.

  • If you know any of the following, pls tell me.

    Is that any other option for execute the select statement which passed as an argument in the function?


    can we insert the result set values of the passed select statement into another table with in the function?


    Is any other way call proc in function?

  • The answer to first 2 questions is - No

    For third, there are indirect ways like using a batch file to execute it, but practially they are not great ways to achieve what you want.

    if you have to perform DML, then go for procs.

    You may paste here what exactly you are trying to achieve, and I may be in position to help you more.

    Online Trainer For SQL DBA and Developer @RedBushTechnologies with 18 yrs exp.

  • thanks, i need to concate multiple row values into a single row. so i have create proc for this. it's working. but i can't able to call it from my Powerbuilder (front end) application. i can call only functions from the backend. that is what i prefer function rather than procedures. the procedure syntax is:

    create procedure [dbo].

      (@query as varchar(3900)=null)



      declare @list as varchar(8000)

      declare @Emp_UniqueID VARCHAR(1000)

      declare @len AS bigint;

      set @list = ''

      if @query is not null


      exec('insert into list_items '+@query)

      --Cursor Creation..

      DECLARE cur_list CURSOR FOR SELECT listname FROM list_items;

      OPEN cur_list

      FETCH NEXT FROM cur_list INTO @Emp_UniqueID



      SELECT @list = @list+CAST(@Emp_UniqueID AS varchar(5))+ ', '

      FETCH NEXT FROM cur_list INTO @Emp_UniqueID


      exec('delete from list_items')

      CLOSE cur_list

      DEALLOCATE cur_list


      select @list


      The above procedure returns what i expect. but i cannot my call this from my app. i need this as function.

      If u know any other possibilites, tell me pls.

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