Execute a stored procedure from Access

  • I have an Access Project (2003) connected to SQL 2000. Part of the database entails an insert procedure being carried out after a file is audited. The problem I am having is that the sp will run fine some times and then for unkown reason it does not. What I am looking for is a way to capture the failure of the procedure (when it happens) and then alert the user about that failure.

    here is the procedure:

    INSERT INTO dbo.tblInvoice

                          (FolderID, NoOfPax, Branch, CompanyCode, Customer, IssueDate, ReferenceNo, CCNumber, ExpiryDate, FolderOwner, TermsRefListID, AppliedAmount,

                          Currency, InvoiceType, TourismFileNo, Memo, InvoiceClass)

    SELECT     FolderID, NoOfPax, Branch, CompanyCode, RTRIM(ISNULL(ReqByTitle, '')) + SPACE(1) + RTRIM(ISNULL(ReqByFirstName, '')) + SPACE(1)

                          + RTRIM(ISNULL(ReqByLastName, '')) AS Customerreffullname, IssueDate, PONO AS PONO, CCNumber AS CCNumber, ExpiryDate AS ExpiryDate,

                          FolderOwner, IssueType, TourismValue, N'L.E' AS Currency, ServiceType AS InvoiceType, TourismFileNo, AirlineMemo, N'1' AS InvoiceClass

    FROM         dbo.tblTravelFolder

    WHERE     (FolderID = @FolderID)

    this is the calling method:

    Dim adocmd As ADODB.Command

    Dim adoparam As Integer

    Set adocmd = New ADODB.Command

            With adocmd

            .ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

            .CommandText = "udpTicketInvoice"

            .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@TicketTxnID", adInteger, adParamInput, , TicketTxnID)

            .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc


            End With

        Set adocmd = Nothing

    this code is attached to the after update event of IsAudited check box on the form

  • Are you telling us that the proc fails, or does not insert data without throwing an error??

    You can check if the rowcount (@@rowcount) is greater than 0 in the proc.  Then log the error in a table with the fileid for further analysis. 

  • Yes that is what is happening. I will try the @@rowcount and let you know

  • I think you have the wrong syntax for ISNULL. That function requires two parameters.

  • Note the '' after the first argument in the ISNULL.

  • Your insert statement contains a parameter named @FolderID, but the VBA code executing the stored proc does not pass a parameter of that name, where does it come from ?

    Have you tried error trapping in your VBA code, errors from SQL Server are returned from ado commmands executing stored procs

  • The folderid is one of the inserted fields, I use it to open the invoice form after the update takes place. I do not get any errors from VB code. It is just that nothing happens. Can you help with an example of how to use the @@rowcount to return the message to the user?

  • create procedure...

    insert into ...


    IF @@RowCount = 0


    RAISERROR ('No rows were inserted (SpName)', 13, 1)

    RETURN 1 --custom error message for that proc


  • thanks a lot

  • I forgot to mention this.  It's safer to create a variable a save the value of @@rowcount.

    That's because @@rowcount is evaluated after any t-sql statement... as demonstrated here :


    Declare @RowCount as int

    Select * from dbo.SysObjects

    SET @Rowcount = @@ROWCOUNT

    Select @RowCount, @@ROWCOUNT

    --1205, 1

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