execute a stored proc within a string through xp_cmdshell

  • Hello,

    I am trying to execute a stored proc like this

    Declare @cmd varchar(1000)

    Declare @Path1 varchar (1000)

    Declare @user_id varchar (50)

    Declare @password varchar (50)

    set @cmd = 'exec' + ' ' + stored_proc_name' + ', ' + @user_id +', ' + @password + ', ' + @Path1

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd

    ERROR I am getting = 'exec' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    Please help !!!!:unsure:


  • Why are you trying to execute a stored procedure from the command line?

  • Hello Lynn,

    Because I have to exec the same proc many times for different Paths and different Databases in multiple servers. so its easier to use and control variables in a table if they change in future.

  • Still doesn't answer the question. EXEC isn't a command or program that the operating system understands.

  • So how can I execute what I am trying to execute above from within SQL Server? Please...

  • I know this isn't going to answer your actual question but the one you posted is like this:

    exec stored_proc_name @user_id, @password, @Path1

  • Leaving aside the question of whether this is a good idea or not, you can use the command line utility SQLCMD to log in to servers and run stored procedures that exist there:


    So instead of building the string with 'EXEC' you'd build it with SQLCMD with the appropriate parameters.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Lynn Thank YOU so much..... 4 eyes better than 2 ...:-)

    David you are absolutely right... I will use this in another task though 🙂

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