exec versus exec sp_executesql

  • Hi,

    I have to call a stored procedure from within another procedure.

    I have to pass the proc 2 parameters

    @ClientID int,

    @StartDate date

    But I dont know which is the correct syntax for calling the sp and passing the parameters.

    At the moment I just do

    EXEC myProc, @ClientID, @StartDate and it seems to work OK.

    I have also tried

    EXEC sp_executesql myProc, @ClientID, @StartDate --which doesn't work!

    I have also seen examples like

    EXEC sp_executesql myProc, N'@ClientID int , @StartDate date, @p1, @p2

    Which doesn't make much sense to ,e at the moment.

    Can anyone offer any explanation as to which is best use and why and in particular if I need to use N' etc in the third example?

    Thanking you

  • Tallboy (1/25/2016)


    I have to call a stored procedure from within another procedure.

    I have to pass the proc 2 parameters

    @ClientID int,

    @StartDate date

    But I dont know which is the correct syntax for calling the sp and passing the parameters.

    At the moment I just do

    EXEC myProc, @ClientID, @StartDate and it seems to work OK.

    I have also tried

    EXEC sp_executesql myProc, @ClientID, @StartDate --which doesn't work!

    I have also seen examples like

    EXEC sp_executesql myProc, N'@ClientID int , @StartDate date, @p1, @p2

    Which doesn't make much sense to ,e at the moment.

    Can anyone offer any explanation as to which is best use and why and in particular if I need to use N' etc in the third example?

    Thanking you

    You do not need to use dynamic SQL to call a stored proc. Try it this way:

    DECLARE @p1 int,

    @p1 date;

    SELECT @p1 = 1,

    @p2 = '1/25/2016';

    EXEC myProc

    @ClientID = @p1,

    @StartDate = @p2;

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • read Books Online to understand about sp_executesql.

    Just call a sproc with EXEC

    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

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