EXEC master..xp_fileexist doesn't work for files on a networkdrive?

  • Hi guru's,

    I made a SP that imports data from a spreadsheet, located somewhere on the network not on the computer running SQLServer; lets say Z:\mysheet.xls. It works fine (meaning: SQLServer finds the file and reads from it).

    I want to add to this SP that first it checks if the given file exists. But the SP EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'a filename' gives a wrong result when the file is on a networked drive!

    For example:

    EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'c:\mysheet.xls' -> result is "file exists" -> this is correct

    EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'z:\mysheet.xls' -> result is "file does not exist" -> this is not correct!

    Why is this? And, how can I check if a file on a networked drive exists?


  • Does the service account that SQL Server runs under have permissions to the networked drive?

    If you are running SQL Server under the local system account, it will have no access to anything off the box it is running on.

  • Does the service account that SQL Server runs under have permissions to the networked drive?

    Yes it has... as I started with, the SP that imports data from that file works well.


  • Yes it has... as I started with, the SP that imports data from that file works well

    Oops, sorry - helps if I read the whole post.:Whistling:

    xp_fileexists won't work with networked drive letters, but it will work if you use the UNC share name.

  • Oops, sorry - helps if I read the whole post.

    I forgive thee....:D

    Works like a charm, thanks very much!


  • Hi!

    I'm reading a file on a mapped network drive (Z:\log.txt) using Bulk Insert on the server. I'm neither able to read it nor able to check its existence. All this using SQL Server 2000.

    Pls help.



  • Replace "Z:\" with full network path:


    Must help.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hey Thanks!!

    I used \\\E:\ivr\calllog\55694\VCMIS\log.txt but even this isn't working.

    Pls suggest.

    Tx again.


  • IP address does not belong here.

    Use proper UNC notation.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • How can I see the UNC notation on my server?

  • If you don't know what is UNC notation you may always google it.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Hello,

    I have a strange problem , when I use :

    declare @filefound int

    exec master..xp_fileexist '\\bedata1\echanges\projets\datafile.txt', @filefound output

    The result is 0 but file exist, because if I do a bulk insert, it's ok :

    BULK INSERT MyTable FROM '\\bedata1\echanges\projets\datafile.txt'

    exec master..xp_fileexist 'P:\projets\datafile.txt', @filefound output


    exec master..xp_fileexist '\\\echanges\projets\datafile.txt', @filefound output


    ??? Can you help me ?

    I tried with unc name, drive network letter and IP Adress of my server and xp_fileexist return always 0

    I'm working on server and I can access to this file ...

  • IP address will work but you must reference a share on the remote server and the SQL Server service account must have access to that share. Each partitions has a default Administrative share,which is referenced with the partition letter followed by a dollar sign ( $ )


    EXEC master..xp_fileexist '\\\C$\boot.ini'

    Results are:

    File Exists File is a Directory Parent Directory Exists

    ----------- ------------------- -----------------------

    1 0 1

    Please be aware that if the SQL Server service account does not have access to the share, then "xp_fileexist" will report that the file does not exist and the return code indicates success. "xp_cmdshell" however,does return a non-zero return code.

    declare @sprc int

    EXEC @sprc = master..xp_cmdshell 'dir \\\c$\boot.ini'

    select @sprc as CmdShell_ReturnCode



    Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.





    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • You recheck path:

    portion "E:\" does not look right.

  • I does not function :crying:

    I treid all ... and I don't understand

    I use SQL Server 2005 and in my server SQL Server 2000 that is function ...

    I changed my account, permissions on this machine, ... nothing function !


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