Excessive sleeper processes

  • One of our clients has been told by their ISP that there are excessive sleeping processes on their SQL Server and that we need to kill them.

    Frankly this sounds like they are saying "we have no idea why your server is slow but it isn't our problem".

    There doesn't seem to be many processes on the box at all which sort of reinforces my point but am I right?

  • Excessive sleeper process can mean you are not closing your connections correctly so that can be reused in connection pooling and thus they also never die. When you open a connection you have to properly close it or it will remain active and slow use more and more system resources to be maintained and thus slow your server and/or prevent connections altogther. A common practice is to just issue a kill on the SQL Server side but is a band-aid at best. You need to check your code and make sure each time you open you close the connection correctly depending on your programming language.

  • run the sp_who2 command on the SQL Server to try and see how many users are running on the database server. 

    use the kill (spid) to remove any connections which have been inactive for some time.

    As above this is no resolution to the problem.  I would go through your code and check that you are closing all your ADO connections.

  • Does anyone know how long SQL server takes before it kills inactive connections?  Thanks.


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