Excel Files issue, fails while set up as job.

  • Hello,

    Looping all *.xls* files . And then each Excel file is picked up and loaded into Sql table.

    Note: I have 2003 and 2007 excel files.

    My excel connection Manger Provider :

    Provider : Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=;Extended Properties="EXCEL 12.0;HDR=YES";

    Here Date Source is Set through Variable, which will be updateded by Foorloop.

    ===> ******** SSIS package runs fine in BIDS on Local machine ***********

    When this is set up as a job on Producation Servers, it Errors out saying Connection managers for excel Failed to acquire.

    Error : The return value was unknown. The process exit code was -1073741819. The step failed.

    It seams like, its loading some files, as I can make out through my destination table count. I have no idea why its failing, strongly belive it has do something with Drivers ( Excel ) or Bit version.

    I hope this issues has been resolved and many out there in the world knows this fix. Please help me ...this is very interesting

  • I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that excel 2007 files require a different connection manager than 2003. Did you try running two loops instead, one for the .xls ones, and one for the .xlsx ones?

  • kramaswamy (12/27/2011)

    I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that excel 2007 files require a different connection manager than 2003. Did you try running two loops instead, one for the .xls ones, and one for the .xlsx ones?

    Yes I did try your way... and it's failing on the same error "Acquire connection manager Failed".

    Intersting point here for me, when run as job, It archives file upon Loding and then it trys to give me Error there after.

    According to my package Logic, it should archive files upon completion. Which it does, but as soon as it completes all the files in the Folder, it trys to give me "Failed acquiring Connection manger on Excel connection".

    Not sure y its doing this way

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