Excel file smaller then when saved again as xls

  • I have one Excel file *.xls (its sent by e-mail from some application I don't know) that comes with different tables and graphs in the same sheet and it's size is 115Kb.

    When I try to use openrowset, I can upload any excel file except this one.

    It opens norrmally in Excel 2007, but if I save it (as xls and with the same name) it grows 10 Kb.

    And then it works with openrowset.

    Does anyone found similar problem?

    I guess in the end I should find the developers of that application and try to figure out why the application sens the file that way.

    SQL 2008 64bits with ACE.12.0

    If a save the file with open office 3.3 it keeps de 115Kb with *.ods type and 117Kb with *.xls type.

    Need to check this too.

  • The size difference is expected as xlsx files are more space freindly. To my knowledge you can not open an xlsx file or even import one into SQL. it would have to be written as an xls file in order to work with SQL.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • I'm importing a *.xls file with ACE 12.0, I didn't had this problem with *.xlsx.

    I'm able (tested) to import both type of files with that provider.

    What I want to avoid is to open manually the file and save again.

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