Exam 70-228

  • Hello,

    What's the best Tool to parctise exams for 70-228 Exam.



  • Are you looking for test simulation software or are you looking for an actual platform in which to play with queries and the like? I'm assuming the former. Transcenders are out there and are generally on the money, but they are near the top of the price list, if they aren't sitting at the very top.

    It's all I've ever used when I've used test simulation software, but there's plenty of others out there that are less expensive and still very good. For the CCNA Boson (http://www.boson.com) is among the best, but they only have exams for 70-028 and 70-029.

    K. Brian Kelley



    K. Brian Kelley

  • The exam cram books are very helpfull in preparing and are not all too pricy. Also testout which has a real good system but they are up there. Also the in a nutshell books in the past were good. Note though I have only seend 028 and don't know if the 228 is out.

  • As far as I concern, 70-228 is horrible. High passing score and just 40s questions. It is included almost every administering task that you can perform using SQL Server, at enterprise level (I just experiance some of them). I think Sybex and MSPress exam preparation is good. But I think the most valuable resource is SQL Server 2000 Performance Tuning from MSPress and not to forget a SQL Server Book Online

  • I found mcsebraindumps.com helpful. And the price was very right.

  • I found mcsebraindumps.com helpful. And the price was very right.

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