Event ID 65102 [Warning] FailoverClusterQueryError

  • Hello @all,

    i am facing a problem and can not find a solution...

    I created a 2 node Windows Failover CLuster running MSSQL 2019.

    After that I added Databases and configured the AlwaysOn Cluster.

    Now I have 1 availability Group online , in sync and healthy.

    But I am facing the problem that every hour the following 3 Warnings are generated in Windows Application Log.

    source : SqlInstances details provider

    event ID : 65102

    Text : [Warning] FailoverClusterQueryError: Available Storage contains SQL resources. Got null while fetching resource group data. Not uploading Failover cluster properties.

    source : SqlInstances details provider

    event ID : 65102

    Text : [Warning] FailoverClusterQueryError: Cluster Group contains SQL resources. Got null while fetching resource group data. Not uploading Failover cluster properties.

    source : SqlInstances details provider

    event ID : 65102

    Text : [Warning] FailoverClusterQueryError: <availabititygroupname> contains SQL resources. Got null while fetching resource group data. Not uploading Failover cluster properties.

    I don't have a clue what that meeans and could not find any hints, what to do.

    Have I missed a configuration to do ?

    Thanks for help



  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

    This is an automated bump to increase visibility of your question.

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