Evaluate ways to run Job or DTS paraelly

  • I have a nightly production job A that has 9 steps for processing on different dbs, and after step #3, I want to add a backup dbX on a separate process (because dbX is ready for backup around midnight, and it takes 1/2 hour to back it up, it is big.), so that my main job A will not be delayed due to the back up and can continue the rest of the steps.

    My question is what are my options to make this happen on SQLServer 2000?  Currently, I have the backup step at the end of the job which is close to 6 am, because I need to get most of the critical step finish ASAP before 7 am.  But that put me one day behind on using the dbX BAK file to restore to my test env (I am scheduling it to run at 1 am).  If I move the backup step up and get kick off somehow after step #3 around midnight, this whole backup and restore process can happen during off hours and be done simulatanously, and my test env will have the latest production data.

    I have thought of having a dummy file somewhere to flag the Step#3 is done, so that some other job can ping it.  But I feel like there must be a better way or a easier way to implement this kind of process. 

    Since I am new in this area, I thought I should pick some brain out there and see what kind of practice people are doing on a similar process like this.

    Thanks in advance for any feedback.


  • Post @ http://www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/shwmessage.aspx?forumid=49&messageid=97068#bm97086

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

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