Estimating Priorities

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Estimating Priorities

  • I'll let somebody else make a joke about the "shiny bits". 😀

    Being so busy that you don't know what to do first is a personal choice.

  • Completely agree with not undertaking as many home projects as one would like - the mere thought of the time and effort (& cost) involved is a big deterrent. However, we *do* have one big constraint in the software world - BUDGET!!!!!

    Nothing quite like the B word to make sure that creeping scopes ("shiny bits of technology"???) are kept at bay - on the principle of "you get what you pay for"..there's only so much that can be done within the confines of a set budget and time. You are therefore, forced to prioritize. 😉

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • I try to follow a policy of finishing something if I start it. If I don't want to finish it, I work on something I do want to finish. It works for me and I get a lot done that way.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Excellent editorial Steve!

    I too find it fascinating and inspiring what people can accomplish when they put their minds to a task! It never ceases to amaze me what I can get done if I stop, think, and plan some before jumping in.

    I know the paralysis of which you speak. I don't think everyone can relate to it, not even everyone in our field. It's akin to dizziness - you've been spinning and spinning for so long that when you stop, you still feel light-headed. And it seems such a shame to shut down and veg out in front of the tv for half a Saturday.

    For this reason, it's good to have side projects and hobbies. They keep things fresh and are refreshing.

    :{> Andy

    Andy Leonard, Chief Data Engineer, Enterprise Data & Analytics

  • Thanks and one minor note. Someone pinged me about me using freedom, as in liberty, when saying that it can be a problem. My use was intended to be freedom as in choice, not rights.

    Budget comes into play in both places, which is why I didn't mention it. Making changes in software or in the real world costs money (or time). However the real world can result in wasted materials.

  • skjoldtc (7/23/2009)

    I'll let somebody else make a joke about the "shiny bits". 😀

    I didn't get a good quote here about shiny bits. I kind of forced it. I'd welcome suggestions about how to better word that, serious or funny.

  • if you do not set the boundaries of the effort, either with software, home maintenance, etc) how will you ever know when you are finished, without the need for rework.

  • In many ways having too much freedom causes us problems.

    Sure, bit I'll take that every day, and every second of the day, over the alternatives. If freedom is a "drug" then I'm not only an addict but a pusher as well.

    ATBCharles Kincaid

  • Steve Jones - Editor (7/23/2009)

    skjoldtc (7/23/2009)

    I'll let somebody else make a joke about the "shiny bits". 😀

    I didn't get a good quote here about shiny bits. I kind of forced it. I'd welcome suggestions about how to better word that, serious or funny.

    I couldn't think of one, either. It seemed like it was kind of humorous to me when I read it. Maybe it reminded me of Austin Powers when he was talking about "naughty bits". I tend to have an odd sense of humor.

    Shiny bits, in a tech sense, could relate to what I call spit and polish. I tend to create rather boring UIs taking the default MS colors and such. I'm not really creative in the UI sense. I know people who are and they create icons, controls, and other "bits" that add a bit of dazzle that I can add to an application. All my apps are internal and the boring defaults are usually good enough and gets the app done in time and within budget.

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