Error with SQL statement

  • I use an ACCESS 2003 front end  to SQL server.

    I am passsing a simple SQL statement

    SQLText1 = "Delete dbo_tblBook_inventory from dbo_tblBook_inventory a ,dbo_tblrhd_inventory b " & _

                        " where A.drive_num = b.drive_num And b.date_verified Is Not Null"

     DoCmd.RunSQL SQLText1


    This gives me the error 3128 - Specify the table ontaining the records that you want to delete.

    But the same statement works when I try it in Query Analyzer.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • Delete A from dbo_tblBook_inventory A inner join dbo_tblrhd_inventory B on A.drive_num = B.drive_num where B.date_verified Is Not Null

  • Tried that. Gives me the same error message as before.

    Any other ideas ?

  • you run the statement directly on the server?

    replace dbo_ with dbo.

  • The errors occurs when I run from ACCESS where these are linked tables and have a dbo_ prefixed. These statements run without any error when run directly on the server. But the use has an ACCESS frontend to run them.

  • Can you run the statement while the profiler is running? I'd like to know if the error is sql or access generated.

  • I have never used the profiler but there is no error generated in SQL server when I run it through query analyzer. Only when I run the statement throught aCCESS.

  • have you tried to rebuild the query with the wizard?? maybe the delete join in access is different than the one on sql server.

  • Try changing the first part of your SQL statement to DELETE a.*

    I think ACCESS needs the .* along with the table name.

  • AFAIK, RunSQL (in MDB ODBC connections) uses Access SQL to run an action query, not T-SQL.  Therefore you have to modify the T-SQL for Access (JET) syntax:

    The syntax is:

    DELETE [table.*]

        FROM table

        WHERE criteria

    i.e., You can write: DELETE FROM table WHERE criteria

    Your T-SQL will run in QA, but JET will not understand it.  Of course, you can also do a pass through query to use T-SQL.

  • Thanks for all your input. What finally worked was the sub-query method:

    Delete dbo_tblBook_Inventory.* FROM dbo_tblBook_Inventory

    WHERE dbo_tblBook_Inventory.Drive_Num in

    (select Drive_Num from dbo_tblRHD_Inventory where Date_Verified Is Not Null)


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