Error whilst initializing report server

  • I have an urgent problem which I hope someone can help me with.

    After installation, I was told by the wizard that I needed to initialize the report server manually...

    So I went to:


    It redirects to:


    And I get the following error:

    An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help The system cannot find the file specified.

    Does anyone know how to fix this....I have ensured that my Reports folder allows everyone to have full I do not believe it is a security issue?????


  • Yesterday, after updating my 'lab' computer to being domain server, I tried to access Reporting Services. It threw a cryptic exception. I then tried to uninstall/reinstall RS, and the wizard gave me the same message you received.

    Frantically searching for solutions, I found the 'Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services Readme File', and it actually lists a few possible reasons. Since my problem seems to be related to the update to DC, I hope that the answer can be found in KB824308 or KB 315158, but haven't had time to test the solutions yet.

    Is your computer Win2K, 2003? Domain Controller or not?


    -No more years!


  • It is a win2k server loaded with SP4...and is not a domain controller.

    When I attempt to run the rsactivate utlility, I get the following error:

    "Unable to find Reporting Services WMI namespace =

    on <machinename>. Reporting Services may not be installed"

    This is an urgent problem so any suggestions would be welcomed.

  • I just ran into this, and here's what I did to resolve it.  The server was a Windows 2000 server that got upgraded to Windows 2003.  However, not all of the MDAC dll's, like OLEDB32.dll got upgraded.  Since you can only get MDAC 2.8 SP2 (latest SP at the time of this post) by installing SP1, I installed SP1, then uninstalled and reinstalled reporting services 2000 and even applied RS 2000 SP2 with no problems.

    Hope this helps.



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