error while sending mails using this stored procedure

  • Hi,

    :w00t: Error while sending mail using stored procedure to recipients.

    it is giving some error no like: -2147220973

    it will be glad help if you solve this issue for me. 😀 thnx in advance (Who ever)

    CREATE procedure usp_send_cdosysmail

    @from varchar(500) ,

    @to varchar(500) ,

    @subject varchar(500),

    @body varchar(4000) ,

    @smtpserver varchar(25),

    @bodytype varchar(10),

    @cc varchar(100)=null,

    @bcc varchar(100)=null


    declare @imsg int

    declare @hr int

    declare @source varchar(255)

    declare @description varchar(500)

    declare @output varchar(1000)

    exec @hr = sp_oacreate 'cdo.message', @imsg out

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg,'configuration.fields("").value','2'

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'configuration.fields("").value', @smtpserver

    exec @hr = sp_oamethod @imsg, 'configuration.fields.update', null

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'to', @to

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'from', @from

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'subject', @subject

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'cc', @cc

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, 'bcc', @bcc

    -- if you are using html e-mail, use 'htmlbody' instead of 'textbody'.

    exec @hr = sp_oasetproperty @imsg, @bodytype, @body

    exec @hr = sp_oamethod @imsg, 'send', null

    -- sample error handling.

    if @hr <>0

    select @hr


    exec @hr = sp_oageterrorinfo null, @source out, @description out

    if @hr = 0


    select @output = ' source: ' + @source

    print @output

    select @output = ' description: ' + @description

    print @output




    print ' sp_oageterrorinfo failed.'




    exec @hr = sp_oadestroy @imsg

  • I can't find that error in a search, but you might try running this from the command line (VBScript) and see if there's a better error returned.

  • Since you have @smtpserver defined as a VARCHAR(25) I would look at the length of what's being passed in for that.

    Edit: The reason for that error may be that the SMTP servername is being truncated and CDO subsequently is sending to an invalid server. From looking at the other declarations you might have intended it to be a VARCHAR(255).

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