Error while processing the cube in SSAS 2008

  • Hi Friends,

    i am getting the following error when i am processing the cube in SSAS 2008

    Errors in the back-end database access module. The size specified for a binding was too small, resulting in one or more column values being truncated. Errors in the OLAP storage engine: An error occurred while the 'Policy Type' attribute of the 'Policy Type' dimension from the MyDemo' database.

    what could be the problem.

    i verified the datatype column length for policytype column in the dimension as well as all fact views.

    it was same in all the views. even though i am getting the above problem.

    so please suggest me in this regards.........


    Sathish B

  • If you bring up the properties of the attribute look in the "KeyColumns" and NameColumn" section. Drill down in both till you see the that matches what is in the relational database you're using as your source.

  • I got same error when I changed column length in dimension table in the database when I tried to process the dimension or the database.

    To solve it I had to change data type of the field in the dimension "DataSize" property in section "KeyColumns" property to a new value to be the same as in the database.

    But that wasn't enough. I had to process the dimension and then open the design of the cube and remove the dimension from it, process the cube and add the dimension into it and process the cube again.

    Then it worked, finaly. :w00t:

  • Thanks a ton! Your solution helped me solve my problem.



  • urgh

    had to delete the table from the DSV, re-add the table,

    re add the dimension, process, add it back in the cube

    all for changing a field in the back from varchar(30) to varchar(50)

  • Thanks, it works fine for me.

  • I had to do the same thing.

    I was getting this error, because the data size for a column had changed in the Fact tables.

    I had to fix the size in the dimension through the properties window, but still got this error.

    I turned off the relationship between the Dimension and Measures.

    Reprocessed the Measures only - success.

    Re-established relationship with Dimension and Measuires.

    Reprocessed entire Analysis DB - success.


  • Hi All,

    While processing SSAS cube in SQL server 2014 I am getting error-

    Errors in the back-end database access module. The size specified for a binding was too small,

    resulting in one or more column values being truncated. Errors in the OLAP storage engine:

    An error occurred while processing the '<Fact_TableName>' partition of the 'Fact_TableName' measure group for the '<CubeName>' cube from the <ProjectName> database.

    I tried all solutions you guys mentioned above.But my error is not resolved.

    Can anyone please help me out with this.Please ASAP

  • Hi preetibarode,

    I had same problem as you and the issue was : the size defines in the measure of the Cube in error, was wrong. But it was correct in Visual Studio and wrong in the xmla generated ..

    So I modify xmla and execute it and it was fine.

    By the way : this is not a BIG BUG on SSAS !? Why this is not referenced as a bug by Microsoft ? Ok .. perhaps not enough Tera to display all Microsoft bug known ..

  • Hi all,

    To resolve this issue first you've to refresh the table in DSV then update DataSize property for both KeyColumn and NameColumn . Now you've to process the dimension separately and then the cube which will resolve the issue.



  • Actually, I experienced the exact same problem and the solution was not as simple as you stated.

    I followed every step: update DSV, refresh it, update key and name columns in the dimension itself, process the dimension.

    The dimension processing still fails with the same error...

    So in certain cases, maybe the simple answer does work, but not in every case.

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