error when migrating cubes

  • i have analysis server 2000 on my server and have just installed a new instance of analysis server 2005. i tried the migration wizard but get this error:

    Unable to cast COM object of type 'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Interop.Dso.IDbGroup90Ex'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '{CE55E9E9-9597-4214-B21F-30C7683467B1}' failed due

       to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)).


    what does that mean? i have no idea how to debug that and google has yeilded no results.

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  • I get the same error while migrating the Foodmart 2000 sample 2005 using the MigrationWizard utility provided in SSAS 2005. Guess Microsoft products are still full of bugs.

  • Hi,

    my advice - forget the migration wizard and build up your cubes from scratch. I did a big migration of a datawarehouse (20 Cubes, 30 dimensions) this year and we tried the migration wizard just one time. The result was not needful.

    For example if you used hierarchies in your SSAS 2000 Cubes they will not be migrated to one dimension with x hierarchies but to x dimensions. This is not best practice and not recommended by microsoft. Any virtual cubes will be migrated to single cubes with x linked measure groups.

    You will be faster when designing all your cubes and dimensions following microsofts best practice. 


    Best regards,


    Kindest Regards,


  • Hi Guys,

    Go to add?remove Programs and find "SQL Server 2005 Backward Compability" and Click the change option on the install screen that throws up please select Repair.


    Christopher Richard

    President & Founder


  • Hi,

    I still get the same error despite of running the "repair" on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward compatibility Setup. Any thoughts?


    Chandra M.

  • Thanks for that - worked for me!

  • Works for me also, thx a lot!

    Spent a lot of time on this one now...


    If you set out to do something, something else must be done first.

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