Error when executing procedures in linked server.

  • Which server product is the linked server? SQL server?

    How is the provider loaded? In process or out of process?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (1/26/2012)

    Which server product is the linked server? SQL server?

    How is the provider loaded? In process or out of process?

    It's SQL Server only.

    How to check is the provider is loaded ?

    Is there anything else to be installed ?



  • Joy Smith San (1/26/2012)

    How to check is the provider is loaded ?

    EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop

    Check the allow_in_process column. It is 1 for in process, 0 for out of process.

    Is there anything else to be installed ?

    No, we just need to configure it correctly.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Do we need to check it on both the servers ?

    It has to be be in-process or out-process ?

    How to change it as well.?

    Thanks a ton.


  • No need to change that setting for the moment.

    Did you restart SQL Server after exec sp_configure 'remote access', 1?

    If not, do it and it will probably fix the issue.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Fine. I will try that and revert.

    Thank you somuch again.


  • Gianluca Sartori (1/26/2012)

    Did you try:

    EXECUTE database.schema.procedurename AT linkedservername

    Doe this work?

    I believe that you are required to use the fully qualified name when calling a linked server.

    EXEC [linkedserver].[database].[schema].[object]

    So in your case

    EXEC linkedServerName.SomeDatabase.dbo.MyStoreProcedure @variable1, @variable2.......

    Let me know if that works.


  • No, this was a mistake of mine. EXECUTE...AT works with dynamic sql and not with procedures.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Is this issue resolved?

    If it isn't, in the past I have configured the server OS setting that you are making the call to in the following area.

    Start --> administrative tools --> component services --> component services --> computers --> my computer --> distributed transaction coordinator. --> local DTC

    right click properties

    security tab

    enable the following check boxes (network DTS Access) which enables 'client and administration' and enable both of those

    enable the allow inbound and allow outbound in the "transaction Manager Communication" and use radio button 'no authentication required'

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