Error using sp_send_dbmail

  • Nop still don't understand, perhaps I'm having a blonde day!

    The output shows....



    DATA_LOAD being the local user login....

    Listen don't worry, it's working for me I was just trying to help the original poster......

    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • I meant the output might help explain it to me! 😀

    It didn't. I suppose your SQL Server team might have hacked sp_send_dbmail - the default procedure has an EXECUTE AS 'dbo' on the procedure, but an EXECUTE AS CALLER wrapped around the bit that attaches the file.

    I wonder if they have changed that to EXECUTE AS SELF/OWNER/a user mapped to a windows login and removed the EXECUTE AS CALLER bit...? Wouldn't be supported, but it's an interesting idea. I might try it later just to see.


  • Nothing has changed to the SP they are using the standard one.

    Peter Gadsby
    Business Intelligence Consultant

  • Paul,

    How I can vinculate a SQL Server account to Windows account?

    Thanks by your help,

  • Try to use SA account as a Test

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