Need to add columns to table from lookup to 2 other tables

  • Hi there. Thanks for code from my previous post and so many good working options. Now I want to add 2 new columns. Appreciate any help.

    From this table, I have the code that selects the latest doctor visit record using the MAX function. If latest client record is not with the primary doc but a staff doctor, then show that staff doctor record and then also show the latest record the patient had with the primary doctor. If the latest record (by date) is with the primary doctor, then just show that record. This is working great.

    creates main table

    CREATE TABLE ClientVisit (
    clientvisit_id int,
    client_id int,
    emp_id int,
    primarydoc int,
    program_id int,
    visittype_id int,
    visittype varchar(50),
    timein date,
    clientfname varchar(50),
    clientlname varchar(50),
    emp_name varchar(50),
    episode_id int

    INSERT INTO ClientVisit (clientvisit_id, client_id, emp_id, primarydoc, program_id, visittype_id, visittype, timein, clientfname, clientlname, emp_name, episode_id)
    (226984,1003130,6626,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-14 16:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','Annette Bening',53315),
    (243781,1003130,6197,6197,21,19,'Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-13 16:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (247364,1003130,6197,6197,21,194,'Treatment Plan','2022-12-13 14:23:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (233227,1003130,6197,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-06 15:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (228263,1003130,6197,6197,21,19,'Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-01 13:00:00.0000000','Samson','Willrett','James Bond',53315),
    (229109,1003681,6626,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-29 09:00:00.0000000','Cora','Bears','Annette Bening',53860),
    (245877,1003681,6197,6197,21,19,'*Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-15 09:08:00.0000000','Cora','Bears','James Bond',53860),
    (226998,1003681,6197,6197,21,19,'Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-01 09:00:00.0000000','Cora','Bears','James Bond',53860),
    (234595,1010341,6626,6197,33,160,'yCancel No Show','2023-01-31 13:00:00.0000000','Barbara','Bush','Annette Bening',56018),
    (253286,1010341,6197,6197,21,160,'yCancel No Show','2022-12-21 10:00:00.0000000','Barbara','Bush','James Bond',55555),
    (266461,1010907,6197,6197,21,19,'*Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-29 16:02:00.0000000','Kirk','Outbound','James Bond',59704),
    (267636,1004114,6197,6197,33,19,'*Ind Aromatherapy','2022-12-29 14:00:00.0000000','Jarrett','Yelling','James Bond',54188)

    from this table I run this code:


    WITH latest_visits AS (
    MAX(timein) AS latest_visit_date
    FROM ClientVisit
    GROUP BY client_id
    latest_primary_visits AS (
    MAX(t.timein) AS latest_primary_visit_date
    FROM ClientVisit t
    WHERE t.emp_id = t.primarydoc
    GROUP BY t.client_id, t.emp_id
    WHEN t.timein = l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id <> t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by staff doctor'
    WHEN t.timein = l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id = t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by primary doctor'
    WHEN t.timein <> l.latest_visit_date AND t.emp_id = t.primarydoc THEN 'Last visit seen by primary doctor (previous visit)'
    END AS seen_by_primary
    FROM ClientVisit t
    JOIN latest_visits l ON t.client_id = l.client_id
    LEFT JOIN latest_primary_visits lpv ON t.client_id = lpv.client_id
    AND t.emp_id = lpv.emp_id
    AND t.timein = lpv.latest_primary_visit_date
    WHERE t.timein = l.latest_visit_date
    OR lpv.latest_primary_visit_date IS NOT NULL
    ORDER BY t.client_id, t.timein DESC;

    Works great. And now I would like to append 2 additional columns by adding code to the code above. Primary Program and PP Length of Stay . Please let me know if you need any additional info. thanks


    To find the Primary Program and PP Length of Stay requires lookup of 2 tables: ClientEpisode table and ClientPrograms table. Client Programs table lists each client and their primary program. e.g. 1003130 is 44. Knowing that 1003130 has primary program 44 because primary_flag is True, when looking up in the Primary Program table, we can then do a lookup in the ClientEpisode table and find the episode record for that client with a program_id of 44 and then get the length_of_stay from that episode record.

    To create the 2 tables I have provided the code:

    CREATE TABLE ClientPrograms (
    client_id int,
    program_id int,
    primary_flag varchar(50)

    INSERT INTO ClientPrograms (client_id, program_id, primary_flag)
    (1003130, 44, 'True'),
    (1003130, 21, 'False'),
    (1003681, 45, 'True'),
    (1003681, 31, 'False'),
    (1010907, 45, 'True'),
    (1010907, 33, 'False'),
    (1010341, 47, 'True'),
    (1010341, 81, 'False'),
    (1004114, 48, 'True'),
    (1004114, 21, 'False')

    CREATE TABLE ClientEpisode (
    episode_id int,
    episode_status varchar(50),
    client_id int,
    admission_date date,
    discharge_date date,
    program_id int,
    length_of_stay int
    INSERT INTO ClientEpisode (episode_id, episode_status, client_id, admission_date, discharge_date, program_id, length_of_stay)


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  jpgdrive.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  jpgdrive. Reason: modified to make more clear
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  • I tried and found only ClientPrograms table is joined but not ClientEpisodes.  From the data provided for ClientPrograms and ClientEpisodes.  It looks like one-many relationship from ClientEpisodes to ClientPrograms.

    Have you pasted the final query with new code embedded?


  • What errors does it give?

    Do we have to find your previous post to work out what to do in this question?

  • You've posted delimited data.  Take it to the next step and post it as readily consumable data and you might get better answers because more people will give it a try.  See the first link in my signature line below for one of many ways to create readily consumable data.  Also, it would be helpful if you put your code into a code window using the code icon ... the menu at the top of the edit window when you're creating your post.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • I'm working on fixing the explanation with the create table code and inserts. thanks

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