Error Trapping returns null

  • This section of a SP should generate an error(Fields not found) at the Insert Statement, but my ReturnCode and ReturnMsg both return null. What am I missing? Disclaimer:Very little Sql Server experience.


      INSERT INTO tblUtilityBills(Installation_Key, Reading_Month, Reading_Year, Util_Usage,

           Cost_Total, UM_Key, Reading_Type, Facility_Key)

      SELECT Installation_Key, Reading_Month, Reading_Year, Util_Usage, Cost_Total,UM_Key,


      FROM #tmpUtilityBills Tmp


           SELECT 1

           FROM tblUtilityBills UB

           WHERE UB.Installation_Key = tmp.Installation_Key

              AND UB.Reading_Month =tmp.Reading_Month

              AND UB.Reading_Year = tmp.Reading_Year

              AND UB.UM_Key = tmp.UM_Key

              AND UB.Facility_Key = tmp.Facility_Key)

      IF @@Rowcount = 0

       SELECT @ReturnCode = @@RowCount, @Returnmsg =  ' Error Updating tblUtilityBills' 


      IF  @@ERROR = 0


            COMMIT TRAN

            SELECT @ReturnCode =1, @ReturnMsg = cast(@DetailCount as nvarchar(3)) + ' Successfully Uploaded.'




             ROLLBACK TRAN

             SELECT @ReturnCode =@@RowCount, @ReturnMsg =  char(13) + cast(@DetailCount as nvarchar(3)) + '             Upload Failed.'






  • You have several issues in that code:

    ex: you have to perform the read of all the interested variables in one shot like: select @rcnt = @@rowcount. @err = @@error and then proceed with your logic using the local variables.

    2. You said the error expected was FIELD not found ?

    - to make sure you are executing everything by the standards always qualify your fields when more than one table is involved in the query  ex: tmp.UM_key

    - Why are you coding expecting a missing Field, there must be a better way

    - NOT ALL errors are trappable with @@error. Although most of them are, you should know that some errors specially syntax or Trigger rollbacks simply abort the batch not permiting the execution any further, so your @@error reading statement won't even be executed



    * Noel

  • Apart from the other badness previously mentiond, here's the fundamental wrongness:

    in the following code:

    IF @@Rowcount = 0

       SELECT @ReturnCode = @@RowCount, @Returnmsg =  ' Error Updating tblUtilityBills' 


      IF  @@ERROR = 0


            COMMIT TRAN

            SELECT @ReturnCode =1, @ReturnMsg = cast(@DetailCount as nvarchar(3)) + ' Successfully Uploaded.'


    There may have been a value in @@error prior to the "IF @@rowcount", but the "IF @@rowcount.." statemtent will change the value in @@error and @@rowcount. 

    to do proper error checking, store the values of @@error and @@rowcount immediately following the statement you want to validate and then look at those:

    UPDATE blah

    SET ...

    SELECT @err = @@ERROR, @rows = @@ROWCOUNT

    IF @err <> 0 or @rows = 0 BEGIN

    ...something went wrong...



  • Noel/John,

    Thanks for the advice I will implement your suggestions.  That may explain the odd behavior with the @@rowcount value that I received as well.

    BTW Noel, could you be more specific about 'qualify your fields?'


  • BTW Noel, could you be more specific about 'qualify your fields?'

    When I mentioned Qualify the fields I meant to put the ALIAS or Tablename before it like

    Select a.Fld1, a.Fld2... from tableName a

    instead of

    Select Fld1, Fld2 ... from tableName a

    Rememeber this is consider a good practice, specially when more than one table are involved in the Source (FROM ) part of the statement





    * Noel

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