Error Trapping

  • I am writing a VBScript which in turn uses sqlcmd to execute the sql script file. I need your help in trapping errors on execution of sqlcmd.

    What could be the possible ways to trap error messages and then display error messages?

    sqlcmd -s testserver -d testdatabase -E -i "c:\temp\sqltest.sql"

    Any suggestions or advices?

  • was doing research on internet, i found that i could use -b and -r tags in order to trap error messages, but i cant see anything in return from sqlcmd command on it use.

    the way i am using sqlcmd in vbscript is

    strcmp = "sqlcmd -s testserver -d testdatabase -r -b -i ""c:\tmp\query.sql"""

    Set obj_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


    i didnt get any error message on execution of above script.

    i also found another script on internet which traps every message returned on execution of the vb script.

    Set obj_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    Set obj_WSH = obj_Shell.Exec("sqlcmd -s testserver -E -d testdatabase -i c:\tmp\query.sql")

    Set obj_STDOUT = obj_WSH.StdOut

    str_Output = obj_STDOUT.ReadAll

    WScript.Echo "output:" & str_Output

    but there is problem with above script, it return all messages like (2 rows effected) and warnings and error messages .

    do you guys have any other way in mind to trap errors or warnings?

  • With your current solution, you could add "SET NOCOUNT ON" as the first line of your input file to suppress the "number of rows affected" messages. Also, "osql /?" will show you switches to suppress other output, such as "-h-1" to eliminate column headings and those underline rows from output.

  • Hi Anam,

    I know this is an old thread, but i was just recently busy with calling SQLCMD from vbscript.

    Possibly this can be of some help for somebody else.

    Facing the same problem as you have, i decided to lookup the methods for 'Shell.exec'

    This is what i came up with.

    The Code below is called from within a function (RunSqlCmdFile ) in the vbscript.

    Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

    comspec = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%comspec%")

    Set objExec = objShell.Exec(comspec & " /c " & strCommand)

    If Not objExec.StdErr.AtEndOfStream Then

    WriteErrorLines "Error Occured inside sqlcmd execution.", "", "SQLCMD",objExec.StdErr.ReadAll, intWarning, ""




    Loop While Not objExec.Stdout.atEndOfStream


    End If

    RunSqlCmdFile = objExec.StdOut.ReadAll


    Van Heghe Eddy

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