Error: The task "script task" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services.

  • We are running SQL 2005 Standard Edition 64bit in our lab and are getting this error:

    Error: The task "script task" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition.




    We get this when trying to run a SSIS package (upgraded from a SQL2k DTS job) which contains an ActiveX script.  Is it true that script tasks are not supported in SQL 2005 Standard edition and is there any workaround?  Thanks.

  • Hmm... this error seems familiar.  If memory serves, this would indicate that you're trying to run this from the command prompt instead of the BI Studio client tools.  What this means is that you have the client tools installed on the computer you're trying to run this from, but not SSIS itself.  I believe you need to run the SQL Server installer and just install SSIS on the computer you're trying to run this from... assuming my assumption that you're trying to run this from the command prompt is correct. 

  • Ryan,

    I'm keen to know if Robert's suggested fix worked for you.



  • Yes, we were running the job from a remote machine which did not have SSIS installed.  When the job is run directly on the server it works.  Thanks for your comments.

  • I've just hit this problem. Yes, my SSIS service is installed on a different machine to my client.

    What I don't understand is why I can run a package with file system task in debug mode with no problem, but as soon as I have a parent package that calls the file system package, the child package develops this error.

    I guess I'm hoping there is a way round this as I can't do my development on the same machine as the SSIS service, or install the service on my machine.

    Any ideas, anyone?

  • I'm encountering the same problem here when calling child packages. Have you been able to figure out how to tackle this issue?

  • We ended up following robertk's suggestion and set up a scheduled SQL job to run the SSIS package from a command like this:

    dtexec.exe /FILE "d:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\DTS\Packages\mySSIS_job.dtsx" /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /CHECKPOINTING OFF /REPORTING V /CONSOLELOG NCOSGXMT

  • hi guys,

    The same issue i had when executing a child package from the parent package. In the child package the first control am using is the script editor to collect the vaues from the parent package. The error i got is as follows...Any ideas to solve this ..share friends

    Error: The task "Script Task" cannot run on this edition of Integration Services. It requires a higher level edition.



  • Hi Guys,

    This is really a nice topic to discuss. Let me add my experience about the error. I have created a SSIS Package 2005, and in debug mode [VS IDE], I didn't get any error. When I deployed the same package in my machine as File System/SQL Server System I got the same error.

    I did some research and finally I came to know, if I need to run a package which is deployed in a Desktop/Server, it should have MS SQL Server Installed with SSIS Components. I have only MS SQL Client version, thats why I was getting the error. Then, I deployed the same package with no change in the Server Machine and it was working fine as expected.


    Ashok S

  • hi,

    The problem arises when i try to execute the parent child package.when i execute each package seperaetly from my system both works fine. I had used file system deployment of packages.



  • when you say you can run each package separetely and have them complete successfully, are you running them from a command prompt or are you running them from a job or Business Intelligence Dev Studio?

  • hi,

    I had executed those packages seperately frm the BIDS only which gives positive result.The same packages when i tried run with parent child combination, it throws me error. Any ideas Share mate.


    Vijayalaya cholan k

  • I'm willing that if you try to run these without BIDS, you're going to see the error. I'm not 100% certain on this, but when a child package is called, it's probably called outside the context of BIDS. So, if you don't have Integration Services installed on the machine, you're going to see this error. Try running the child package via command line and I'm thinking it won't run, even though it'll run just fine in BIDS.

    If that's the case, verify that you have Integration Services installed (it's a separate component accessible in the SQL Server installer program). Good luck and let me know if that's it.

  • hi,

    I have SSIS installed in my system. The packages running fine when it was running seperaetly. SO parentchild execution must also run.But it fails with the script error.Why is it so ?


    Vijayalaya cholan .K

  • My hunch is that there's still something missing here. You said you only ran these packages from BIDS, but try dtexec.exe from the command prompt. Do you still get the same error message? This'll help me determine where to direct you.

    Time for bed, I'm guessing you're on a different side of the globe, but I'll answer your question in the morning. Good luck.

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