Error, The process could not deliver update(s) at the publisher

  • Hi all,I have a Publisher with 12 subscribers (all separate subscriptions) on Merge replication. All has been fine for months but now one of the merge agents on one of them is reporting 'The process could not deliver update(s) at the Publisher' with non-specific error details of 'General Network error'. It sounds like an intermittent connection problem but I have tried all I can think of (differnet profiles with different query timepouts, re-booting, etc) but nothing seems to work. Any ideas ? Has anyone come across this one before. I have scanned the groups and MSDN but cannot find anythingThanks in advance.Ian B
    Aldex Software Ltd.
  • Hi,

    not having seen this particular error for replication itself before, and given that the topology was

    working correctly previously, my guess is a connectivity issue - eg network card problems. Is there anything in the

    windows log at all which might shed some light?






    Paul Ibison

  • Paul,

    Thanks for the suggestion - it's now looking like something in that area, although we are suspecting the comms links (it's over a WAN) as the problem has now mysteriously corrected itself (so something intermittent; don't you just hate that sort of prolem!).

    We've checked all the logs we can think of, inc.Windows, and nothing shows up in any of the logs.




  • Hi David,

    could you post the complete error messages? Most of the time there are 3 or more errors occuring?

    Maybe I can be of help.



  • Thorsten,

    The details have now vanished into an electronic haze but the exact wording

    of the original error were:

    'The process could not deliver update(s) at the Publisher'

    and we then got a non-specific 'General Network error'.

    I am pretty sure that it's an intermittent comms problem. As it's now rectified itself

    I'll repost with further details if it re-occurs.

    Thanks for thr reply.



  • If you look at the merge agent history for the one that failed on you the error should still be in the history if you go to the session details.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

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