Error running Job

  • I get this error after I've created a job. I've logged on as 2 different users but both times have gotten this error. It appears that it's looking for some temporary file on the hard drive. I have no idea what/why it's looking for this file. Can someone point me in the right direction?

    "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Documents and Settings\ServiceAccount\Local Settings\Temp\2\tmp9.tmp'.". End Error DTExec: The package execution returned DTSER_FAILURE (1).

  • I don't have an answer to your question. But maybe you should take a look at the DTS package you are executing.

  • Might want to read this ...

  • If you are using tmp9.tmp file anywhere in your DTS then refer

    otherwise you may have to refer suggestion posted by Adam.


  • OK, talked to my network guy and he suggested backing down from IE7 to IE6. I did that and that seems to have worked. I had to re-created the SSIS package and the job. I ran the job manually twice, so I'll check Monday if the job runs properly or not and if it is still looking for that .tmp file. BTW, thanks Adam Bean for the help on that article, it really helped. I'm sure I would've been lost without it.

  • Okey dokey, it's Monday and guess what?.......... The job failed because of the same error. I'm quite perplexed. I also cannot run the SSIS package manually because of the same error. All the virus and spyware definitions are in place (and have been) so I'm not sure what the problem is. Any more help? Anyone?

  • Here's more info. I created the package on the server that will be running the job. The SSIS package is in the MSDB database. After I create the SSIS package, I notice the 7 .tmp files get created. They are associated with data connections in the job when I click on the 'Data Connections' tab for the job. "AllowedToFailPrologueSql" is associated with a .tmp file so is "CompensatingSql" and so is "NonTransactableSql", as are the other 4 "XXXXSql" connection files. I can run the SSIS package and the Job on the day they are created. I assume these files drop off after a certain time period and both the package and job won't run because it's looking for these files. How can I solve this?

  • Just had the same issue

    there could be 2 ways

    1: just log off the user and log back in and try again

    2: administrative rights to the User you are using on that Server/Box

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