Error on Scheduled Jobs Unable to determine if the owner .....

  • Hy all,

    I have two a job failed with this message:

    The job failed.  Unable to determine if the owner (FLSRVF1\Administrator) of job Optimizations Job for DB Maintenance Plan 'DB Maintenance Plan1' has server access

    (reason: Impossibile ottenere informazioni relative al gruppo/utente di Windows NT 'FLSRVF1\Administrator'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 8198)).


    I know the reason of this problem: Network Administrator of my cusotmer change the name of the server who

    created the job...I've tryed to delete the job also with Enterprise Manager also directly using the stored procedure 'sp_delete_job' but I can't (I think for the same reason my job failed).

    There is some way for delete or modify the job server owner name?




  • Enterprise manager->Management->SQL Server Agent-> jobs->Right click on the job->properties->general tab->Owner drop down....


    krishnan kaniappan


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