April 27, 2010 at 12:55 pm
Under the Maintenance Plan on Editing the Task "Backup Database", getting the following error:
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Cannot show the editor for this task.
Collection cannot be null.
Parameter name: c (mscorlib)
Kindly suggest the resolution on the same. Thanks
April 27, 2010 at 1:07 pm
Did you upgrade the server or client without the other? (Patch, SP, cu?)
Did the package get opened in BIDS or VS and saved back?
April 27, 2010 at 1:21 pm
It is SQL server 2005 standard edition Service Pack 2..
No Upgrade is performed on the SQL Server. I have not tried to open the same in BIDS or VS.
Here is the additional Information on error:
Program Location:
at System.Collections.ArrayList..ctor(ICollection c)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DbMaintTaskBackupControl.set_DestinationManualList(ArrayList value)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DBMaintTaskBackupForm.SetTask(DbMaintenanceBackupTask task)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DBMaintTaskBackupForm..ctor(TaskHost taskHost, IServiceProvider provider)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DbMaintTaskBackupUI.GetView()
at Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design.DtrTaskDesigner.GetTaskEditor()
April 27, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Typically I have seen this error when the server and client are at different levels, meaning one has been patched and one not. Or when someone has opened and saved the packages in BIDS or VS.
April 27, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Sorry, hit enter too soon.
Can you open other packages? Can you open this package from another workstation (another SSMS instance)?
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