Error on BEFORE UPDATE Trigger

  • I got this simple TSQL line to create a trigger.





    CREATE TRIGGER trig_taux

    ON Taux_BL




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    -- Insert statements for trigger here



    And I receive this message :

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 1, Procedure trig_taux, Line 3

    'BEFORE' is not a recognized trigger.

    The server doesn't seem to recognize the "BEFORE UPDATE", if I change it for AFTER UPDATE, it works, can someone help me? Isn't there a way to create a "BEFORE UPDATE" trigger?

  • Microsoft SQL Server does not have BEFORE TRIGGERS. You can emulate them using INSTEAD OF TRIGGERS. Check Books Online (BOL) for more information.

  • Be VERY careful if you use Instead of triggers. I worked for client that put lots of business logic in a Instead of Insert trigger. We encountered an issue when the translog was full and the system could not insert some transactions. We wanted to insert these manually and didn't realize the instead of trigger was there. We spent several days trying to unwind what it did. (In this case it disallowed them from using a bank card because the trigger "spent" all their money). Just a note of caution.

    /soapbox off



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  • I would recommend that you check out this article[/url] as well. It addresses several problems that I have seen on forums around triggers.

  • You probably already know this, but make sure you can't achieve the same functionality with a check constraint - as that would function like a true "before" trigger.

  • Gabriel P (4/14/2009)

    You probably already know this, but make sure you can't achieve the same functionality with a check constraint - as that would function like a true "before" trigger.

    Didn't think of that, can you explain a bit?


  • Check Constraints are good for validating field formatting or values.

    For example:

    SSN text field must have the format ###-##-####

    An integer field must be within the values 0-30

    A field cannot contain an empty string

    What it's not good for is:

    Sending an e-mail if a record is inserted

    Copying a deleted record into a separate table

    Cross checking the information inserted/updated with other tables

    Specialized error handling (TRY/CATCH)

    Check constraints are also done before the transaction actually begins. If it violates the constraint, it will throw an error and no transaction occurs. With a trigger, your trigger executes right before the transaction commits (which gives you the ability to rollback the transaction in the trigger).

    Think of it as security of a building, with two layers of security - outside the building and inside of the building. The security outside uses a simpler model of filtering people out - not dressed accordingly, no id, etc - just high level visual information. The security inside the building has the capability of being more thorough (metal detectors, dogs, pat downs, etc), but if you reject that person they not only got to walk into the building, but they have to walk back out. You can also send them to a different room for further inspection. You can notify your superiors if it requires escalation. However this process is a lot less efficient, and all the while you're doing this, you have an open transaction that has not yet been committed or rolled back. Basically you might be holding up other people in line (blocking).

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