Error Message when creating DB

  • Server: Msg 1785, Level 16, State 1, Line 125

    Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__Completed__Categ__1CF15040' on table 'Completed_Categories' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.

    Server: Msg 1750, Level 16, State 1, Line 125

    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.

    Here is the code for that table. What is the problem??? I don't understand the problem

    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Completed_Categories


     CCID                   int           NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     EmployeeTestID    int           NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.EmployeeTests

                                                                   ON DELETE CASCADE,

     CategoryID      smallint         NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Categories

                                                                   ON DELETE CASCADE,

     StartTime       smalldatetime     NULL,

     FinishTIme      smalldatetime     NULL,

     Comment        varchar(2000)   NULL


  • Sounds like IF you leave the ON DELETE CASCADE you will wind up in a viscious endless loop.  I would look and see if there are triggers that are already in your system that do this and then do what SQL is suggesting ....

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • can you post the DDL of EmployeeTests and Categories ?

    * Noel

  • what the error means is that when using cascades you are not allowed to have more than one possible path for the cascade action to occur!!


    T1 <------------------------------ T2

     ^                                           |

     |-----------------T3 <-------------|


    In the above if all relations were defined with cascade when modifiying T2 cacades could be done through T3 or directly from T2 and that is NOT allowed


    * Noel

  • Hehe, I learn something new everyday... espicially today. I didn't know that the server was validating this... but then again I don't use on cascade delete very often.

  • CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.EmployeeTests


     EmployeeTestID     int            NOT NULL  IDENTITY  PRIMARY


     TestID             tinyint        NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY

                                                 REFERENCES dbo.Tests

                                                 ON DELETE CASCADE,

     EmpID              smallint       NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY



                                                 ON DELETE CASCADE,

     EmpTestStartDate   smalldatetime  NULL,

     EmpTestFinishDate  smalldatetime  NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Completed_Categories


     CCID            int            NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     EmployeeTestID  int            NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                               ON DELETE CASCADE,

     CategoryID      smallint       NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                               ON DELETE CASCADE,

     StartTime       smalldatetime  NULL,

     FinishTIme      smalldatetime  NULL,

     Comment         varchar(2000)  NULL


  • Still missing Categories

    * Noel

  • it comes very handy in Inventory control systems but you have to be really careful and make sure all DML access is through SP because it can get ugly very quickly... it is very powerful but with power comes resposibility

    * Noel

  • Here is the script for all the tables. Thanks guys!

    Use FAE



    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Centers


     CenterID  tinyint         NOT NULL   IDENTITY   PRIMARY KEY,

     Center    varchar(30)     NOT NULL,

     Inactive  bit             NOT NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Departments


     DeptID       tinyint       NOT NULL   IDENTITY   PRIMARY KEY,

     Department   varchar(30)   NOT NULL,

     Inactive     bit           NOT NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Employees


     EmpID         smallint     NOT NULL    IDENTITY    PRIMARY KEY,

     FirstName     varchar(30)  NOT NULL,

     LastName      varchar(30)  NOT NULL,

     BadgeNumber   char(5)      NOT NULL,

     DeptID        tinyint      NOT NULL    FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                            ON DELETE CASCADE,

     CenterID      tinyint      NOT NULL    FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                            ON DELETE CASCADE,

     Inactive      bit          NOT NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Tests


     TestID     tinyint      NOT NULL  IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     TestName   varchar(30)  NOT NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Categories


     CategoryID       smallint      NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     TestID           tinyint       NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                               ON DELETE CASCADE,

     Category         varchar(30)   NOT NULL,

     CategoryPurpose  varchar(300)  NULL,

     SelectionNumber  tinyint       NOT NULL,

     Inactive         bit           NOT NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Resources


     ResourceID      smallint       NOT NULL  IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     CategoryID      smallint       NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY



                                              ON DELETE CASCADE,

     ResourceTitle   varchar(30)    NOT NULL,

     FileName        varchar(100)   NOT NULL,

     FileType        char(4)        NOT NULL,

     RevisionDate    smalldatetime  NOT NULL  CONSTRAINT


                                              DEFAULT getdate()




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Learning


     LearningID         smallint       NOT NULL  IDENTITY PRIMARY


     CategoryID         smallint       NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY



                                                 ON DELETE CASCADE,

     LearningObjective  varchar(200)   NOT NULL,

     RevisionDate       smalldatetime  NOT NULL  CONSTRAINT


                                                 DEFAULT getdate()




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Questions


     QID           smallint       NOT NULL  IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     CategoryID    smallint       NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                            ON DELETE CASCADE,

     Question      varchar(450)   NOT NULL,

     Reference     varchar(20)    NOT NULL,

     RevisionDate  smalldatetime  NOT NULL  CONSTRAINT


                                            DEFAULT getdate(),

     Inactive      bit            NOT NULL




    ALTER TABLE FAE.dbo.Questions

      ADD CONSTRAINT df_NoReference DEFAULT 'Not Available' FOR Reference



    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Answers


     AnswerID      smallint       NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     QID           smallint       NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                             ON DELETE CASCADE,

     Answer        varchar(200)   NOT NULL,

     Correct       bit            NOT NULL,

     RevisionDate  smalldatetime  NOT NULL   CONSTRAINT


                                             DEFAULT getdate()




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Diagrams


     DiagramID     smallint       NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     QID           smallint       NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.Questions

                                             ON DELETE CASCADE,

     FileName      varchar(100)   NOT NULL,

     DiagramDesc   varchar(300)   NULL,

     RevisionDate  smalldatetime  NOT NULL   CONSTRAINT


                                             DEFAULT getdate()




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.EmployeeTests


     EmployeeTestID     int           NOT NULL  IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,

     TestID             tinyint       NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY

                                                REFERENCES dbo.Tests

                                                ON DELETE CASCADE,

     EmpID              smallint      NOT NULL  FOREIGN KEY



                                                ON DELETE CASCADE,

     EmpTestStartDate   smalldatetime NULL,

     EmpTestFinishDate  smalldatetime NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Completed_Categories


     CCID            int            NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     EmployeeTestID  int            NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                               ON DELETE CASCADE,

     CategoryID      smallint       NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                               ON DELETE CASCADE,

     StartTime       smalldatetime  NULL,

     FinishTIme      smalldatetime  NULL,

     Comment         varchar(2000)  NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Completed_Questions


     CQID     int            NOT NULL   IDENTITY  PRIMARY KEY,

     QID      smallint       NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                        ON DELETE CASCADE,

     CCID     int            NOT NULL   FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                        ON DELETE CASCADE,

     Comment  varchar(2000)  NULL




    CREATE TABLE FAE.dbo.Responses


     ResponseID  int       NOT NULL   IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,



                                      ON DELETE CASCADE,

     AnswerID    smallint  NULL       FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES


                                      ON DELETE CASCADE




  • Sorry Noel. I misread. But i sent everything the last time.

  • Yup, that's why I preffer making a single sp that deletes form 7 tables instead of on delete/cascade. This would put me in a situation where a delete of a single row could litterally wipe out the entire database (documentation of the system starting from the server group right down to the code of each object in the system).

    Now talk about making some space in no time .

  • My reasoning on this is that if you delete a category, it should delete the questions that belong to it, the answer that belong to those questions.

    If there are completed_categories that the employee has completed testing on, since the categoryid is no longer in the Parent table, the completed_categories should be deleted also, their completed questions, and their responses.

    Here is a picture of the relationships. They've been revised a little but it is relatively the same.

  • I was reffering to my situation... I didn't check your relations situation.

  • I understand Remi Gregoire. I was just giving more information because my assumptions must be wrong !

  • Jacob,

    Sorry I got back a little late but I tend to finish everything that I start

    Take a look a this part of the schema!


         TESTS <----------------------------- CATEGORIES

             |                                                        |

             |                                                        |

             |                                                        |

             V                                                       V

         EMPLOYEETESTS -----------------------> COMPLETED_CATEGORIES


    DO YOU SEE the LOOP now?

    Assume you delete a row in Categories. SQL can cascade that to Tests from there to EmployeeTests and from There to Completed_Categories OR simply cascade it directly to COMPLETED_CATEGORIES

    Because there is more than one possible path SQL doesn't like it  and you will need to change which part will be cascading or change the design

    Hope is clear


    * Noel

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