error message - help

  • I get the following error when I run a query in my development environment

    Server: Msg 3624, Level 20, State 1, Line 1

    Location: p:\sql\ntdbms\storeng\drs\include\record.inl:1447

    Expression: m_SizeRec > 0 && m_SizeRec <= MAXDATAROW

    SPID: 53

    Process ID: 190

    Connection Broken

    I can run the same query in my production environment without getting the error.

    The query is a simple select * statement (select * from join_cards_questions)

    I don't get the error if I write out the column names (ex. select card_id, question_id from join_cards_questions)

    Anybody have any idea what this could be?

  • Not sure exactly what this it.

    run dbcc checkdb to further identify

    if it is some kind of corruption


  • dbcc checkdb came back OK with no errors

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