Error in t-SQL code

  • Dear all,

    I have the following code and I always get an error . it seems to be related witg dates. Can someone help me?


    Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Line 72

    The data types varchar and date are incompatible in the add operator.

    Thank you

    declare @DB as varchar(50)

    declare @SPName Varchar (200)

    declare @StartDate date

    declare @EndDate date

    declare @StrSQL varchar (1000)

    set @db ='dwhCore_Prod'

    Set @SPname ='[GenericData] - [uspLoadhsatPositionFromPosition]'

    set @startdate = '2017-10-21'

    set @startdate = '2017-10-23'

    set @strSQL = ('


    COUNT(*) NumberExecutions,

    schemaname + '' - '' + SPname StoredProcedure,

    convert(varchar(10),StartDateTime,120) StartTime,

    convert(varchar(10),EndDateTime,120) EndTime,

    (rowsinserted + rowsdeleted + rowsupdated) DataChanges,

    DATEDIFF(second, [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) TExecutiontimeSec


    ' + @DB + ' .ETL.vwRowLoadLog rll


    ' + @DB + '.Logging.SPExecutions execsp




    schemaname + '' - '' + SPname = ' + @SPNAme + '


    StartDateTime >= ' + @StartDate + '


    enddatetime <= ' + @EndDate + '


    schemaname + '' - '' + SPname, convert(varchar(10),StartDateTime,120)


    exec (@StrSQL)

  • The issue is with construction of the dynamic SQL.

    If you look at this section as an example:

    StartDateTime >= ' + @StartDate + '

    StartDataTime >=       is of type varchar
    @StartDate    is of type Date

    You need to make sure that @StartDate is also a varchar in order to concatenate it with the rest of the SQL script that you are constructing.

  • Using PRINT instead of EXEC helps debugging these pesky dynamic sql errors:
     @DB as varchar(50) = 'dwhCore_Prod',
     @SPName Varchar (200) = '[GenericData] - [uspLoadhsatPositionFromPosition]',
     @StartDate date = '2017-10-21',
     @EndDate  date = '2017-10-23',
     @StrSQL varchar (8000)
    set @strSQL = ('
             COUNT(*) NumberExecutions,
             schemaname + '' - '' + SPname StoredProcedure,
             convert(varchar(10),StartDateTime,120) StartTime,
             convert(varchar(10),EndDateTime,120) EndTime,
             (rowsinserted + rowsdeleted + rowsupdated) DataChanges,
             DATEDIFF(second, [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) TExecutiontimeSec
       FROM ' + @DB + '.ETL.vwRowLoadLog rll
       INNER JOIN ' +  @DB + '.Logging.SPExecutions execsp
      ON execsp.ExecutionID=rll.ExecutionID
      AND schemaname + '' - '' + SPname =  ' + @SPNAme + ' 
      AND StartDateTime >=  ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),@StartDate,112) + '''
      AND enddatetime <= ''' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),@EndDate,112) + '''
       GROUP BY schemaname + '' - '' + SPname, convert(varchar(10),StartDateTime,120)
    print @StrSQL
    --exec (@StrSQL)

    You will have to resolve the aggregate errors.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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