Error in SSIS destination source

  • This is probably a really naive question, but here it is. When there is an error in the design of the destination source, a red "X" displays and if you hover the mouse over it, it displays what the error is. In my system, the error I need to see only displays the beginning of the message and the part I REALLY need to see about casting from one datatype to another is cut off.

    How do I get to see the entire error?

  • Does View/Error List give you anything useful?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • If it is showing X sign, then just run you r package,

    It will validate your entire package, and complete error message will popup on your screen.

    If it is showing ! sign, it is validation warrnings, just enable a logging in package, collect the log in text file. And then run the packge, you can see all validation warnings in log file with complete details.

    Check out (Is it working).

  • Phil Parkin (10/6/2010)

    Does View/Error List give you anything useful?

    That is indeed the place to find your errors/warning. Just make sure you haven't filtered the errors out. (you can enable/disable the errors by clicking on the error symbol in the error list)

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  • You might want to take a look at the Error List tab to see if the issue is listed there. Look under View in the menu if you don't see the Error List tab.

    Edit: oops. How did I miss that Phil had already posted that?

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