Error in Reporting Services - Event Error 107:"Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the report server database."

  • Hi,

    We are getting error - "Report Server Windows Service (MSSQLSERVER) cannot connect to the report server database." while retrieving the data from the particular database. Can anyone tell us why this problem arise ?



  • Has anything changed recently?

    Report server migration

    Database server migration

    Encryption keys been restored

    Can you run through the SSRS config tool to ensure it is set up as it should be?

  • We first cleaned up the transaction logs - 20 days back and restored the encryption keys recently - 2 days before.



  • Restoring the encryption keys will have probably caused it as the keys are out of sync.

    Two ways to go it, find the correct encryption key file or delete all encrypted content and then resetup all your data sources and subscriptions.

  • Thanks for your help! Is there any other cause for this problem?

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