Error in converting from datediff(,,) to Varchar()

  • While converting from Datediff(second,date1,date2) to varchar() I am getting following error :

    "Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '95 hr' to a column of data type int."

    Anyone can please show me path.

  • amitabhssinha (12/31/2009)

    While converting from Datediff(second,date1,date2) to varchar() I am getting following error :

    "Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '95 hr' to a column of data type int."

    Anyone can please show me path.

    Not really. Unless you show us what you've tried and what the values (including data type) are for date1 and date2 values...

    So, please post your code and samples.

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  • This is part of my query:


    WHEN (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) >=60

    THEN Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60)/60)+' '+'hr'

    Else (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) +' '+'min.'

    END) AS DeptEarly

  • amitabhssinha (12/31/2009)

    This is part of my query:


    WHEN (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) >=60

    THEN Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60)/60)+' '+'hr'

    Else (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) +' '+'min.'

    END) AS DeptEarly

    There's an error in your ELSE condition

    DROP TABLE #Actual

    DROP TABLE #Schedule

    CREATE TABLE #Actual (ActualID INT, ActualDepartTime DATETIME)

    CREATE TABLE #Schedule (ScheduleID INT, ActualID INT, SchdDepartTime DATETIME)

    INSERT INTO #Actual (ActualID, ActualDepartTime)

    SELECT 1, '2009-12-28 10:28:40.943' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2, '2009-12-29 10:28:40.943' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3, '2009-12-30 10:28:40.943' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4, '2009-12-31 10:28:40.943'

    INSERT INTO #Schedule (ScheduleID, ActualID, SchdDepartTime)

    SELECT 10, 1, '2009-12-28 11:00:40.943' UNION ALL

    SELECT 11, 2, '2009-12-29 12:00:40.943' UNION ALL

    SELECT 12, 3, '2009-12-30 13:00:40.943' UNION ALL

    SELECT 13, 4, '2009-12-31 14:00:40.943'



    Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,a.ActualDepartTime,s.SchdDepartTime)/60)/60)+' '+'hr',

    --(DATEDIFF(second,a.ActualDepartTime,s.SchdDepartTime)/60) +' '+'min.' -- < DATEDIFF(second returns a number

    Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,a.ActualDepartTime,s.SchdDepartTime)/60)) +' '+'min.' -- < so CAST as a character type

    FROM #Actual a

    INNER JOIN #Schedule s ON s.ActualID = a.ActualID



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  • amitabhssinha (12/31/2009)

    This is part of my query:


    WHEN (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) >=60

    THEN Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60)/60)+' '+'hr'

    Else (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) +' '+'min.'

    END) AS DeptEarly

    Yep, you're "trapped" by SQL Servers concept to define the data type of the result.

    In a CASE statement the result will be of the same data type as the one with the highest precedence for each WITH clause.

    So, your first check will result in a varchar value, but the second one is "translated" into an integer.

    Since your data will go the "first path", you're getting the error you described.

    If you'd use a value that would use the "second path" it would result in

    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 11

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'min.' to data type int.

    To make it short:

    Each CASE statement need to have the same data type or at least must be able to be converted into the one with the highest precedence.



    WHEN (DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60) >=60

    THEN Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60)/60)+' '+'hr'

    Else Convert(nvarchar(10),(DATEDIFF(second,Actual.ActualDepartTime,Schedule.SchdDepartTime)/60)) +' '+'min.'

    END) AS DeptEarly

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