Error for checkdb for master database

  • When i run dbcc checkdb on master database i get error like

    Msg 5030, Level 16, State 12, Line 1

    The database could not be exclusively locked to perform the operation.

    Msg 7926, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Check statement aborted. The database could not be checked as a database snapshot could not be created and the database or table could not be locked. See Books Online for details of when this behavior is expected and what workarounds exist. Also see previous errors for more details.

    When i searched for it i got lot of links stating that it happens when database has read-only file group. But when i checked the master database was not in readonly file group. So what is the reason for this error. I am using sql server 2008 R2.(service pack 2)

  • 1.Make sure Service account has permissions at the Root level of the Drive.

    2.Check for FAT32/NTFS - If FAT32, I think you need to specify TABLOCK option(Am not 100% Sure though)

    For More info...refer below blog post from "The DBCC GURU".

  • sreekanth bandarla (11/14/2013)

    1.Make sure Service account has permissions at the Root level of the Drive.

    2.Check for FAT32/NTFS - If FAT32, I think you need to specify TABLOCK option(Am not 100% Sure though)

    For More info...refer below blog post from "The DBCC GURU".

    I have mdf file of master database in FAT32 file system. I tried using TABLOCK but got same error again.

    So does having database on FAT32 is not efficient?Does it cause any performance problems?

  • Even the DBCC WITH TABLOCK option will through the same error if database have more then one connection...which might be the case here.

    It's recommended to use NTFS formatted Volumes for SQL Server.

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