error creating cleanup maintenance plan

  • I have a SQL Server 2005 cluster set up, Windows 2003. I created plans to backup the databases and transaction logs with no problems. But when I try to create a maintenance plan to run the cleanup task I get this error:

    "Apply to target server failed for job"

    This works on a regular SQL Server 2005 server, is the problem something to do with the cluster set up?

    Any ideas where to start looking for the problem?

    Thanks, I appreciate any help.

  • Actually, I set up the backup plans using the Maintenance Plan Wizard. I can't create any kind of jobs using New Maintenance Plan which is what I need for cleanup task.

    This is only on our cluster set up.

    Could it have anything to do with MSDTC?  This service doesn't start on the cluster. Maybe I don't have it set up correctly.  Get error "Could not start Distributed Transaction Coordinator service on local computer. Error: 1067:The process terminated unexpectedly."

    Thanks for any ideas! 

  • Hi Denise

    create a cluster resources as DTC. Resources dependicies should be the network name and the drive where the DTC log will be stored.

    Do you have an active/passive cluster ? If yes I suggest you to install SSIS on both node and to create a resource for it. In case of failover the jobs will still run.



  • So I should create a cluster resource as DTC, type Distributed Transaction Coordinator, with the dependencies you mentioned?

    It is active/passive cluster. I have already installed SSIS on both node servers. So do I  also create another cluster resource for it? What resource type should it be and what dependencies if any?

    This is the first time I set up a cluster environment so thank you, I really appreciate the help.

  • Yes for the DTC. Create the resource as generic service for SSIS. We do so in our company because we encountered problem after a failover. The dependencies are the drive on which datas are stored and the sql network name.

    I hope it works in your environment.



  • I've added cluster group resources for DTC and SSIS, but I still am receiving "Apply to target server failed for job" error.  Any other ideas? Thanks!

  • Hi

    hhmm..check the permissions on folder for the user you are using to execute the plans.

    You tarteg the local server ?

  • I think maybe I haven't configured Integration Services on the Cluster correctly. I was trying to follow this document:

    I didn't understand the registry replication part. What should be in #9. the registry replication page? And then in #14, what do I do here exactly?

    I looked in the hkey_local_macjine\software\microsoft\msdts\serviceconfigfile, but there is nothing there.

    Thanks again for any help.

  • #9 It means the registry application tab of the cluster resources. You should add the registry path

    #14 you store the xml config file under a cluster resource. You should change the registry keep to target the path you have choosen



  • We changed the registry to the target path, but I still get the "apply to target server failed for job" message.

    Could I still have something set up wrong? I could create jobs before I installed Integration Services. 

    any other ideas would be greatly appreciated!

  • Can you start the msdtc service now ? Is SSIS installed on both nodes and if yes, is the service starting correctly then you move the group ?

    If I understand right you cannot create jobs anymore.

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