Error converting data type nvarchar to float

  • so what would you suggest ? How to solve this problem, because I need these triggers...

  • You might need to rewrite the trigger. That error cannot magically go away, you need to write sub-queries that do not return more than one value.

    If you need help, you need to post code.

  • peter478 (5/24/2009)

    so what would you suggest ? How to solve this problem, because I need these triggers...

    You may replace badly written triggers with better written ones.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Here are 2 triggers which are applied on table.

    ALTER TRIGGER Cis_OP_No_Trigger1

    ON dbo.Cis_OP_No



    IF (UPDATE (N_Vyrobok) or UPDATE (N_Kplan))

    update Cis_OP_No set N_Vyrobok2 = (select ( i.N_Vyrobok + '/' +i.N_KPlan) from Cis_OP_No p inner join inserted i on p.N_ID = i.N_ID)

    from Cis_OP_No p inner join inserted i on p.N_ID = i.N_ID

    ALTER TRIGGER Cis_OP_No_Trigger2

    ON dbo.Cis_OP_No



    IF UPDATE (N_Cas100ks)

    update Cis_OP_No set N_KS_Hod = (select (((450/i.N_Cas100ks)*100)/8) from Cis_OP_No p inner join inserted i on p.N_ID = i.N_ID)

    from Cis_OP_No p inner join inserted i on p.N_ID = i.N_ID

    Table Cis_OP_No:

    N_ID int

    N_Cas100ks float

    N_Vyrobok nvarchar

    N_Kplan nvarchar

    N_KS_Hod int

    N_vyrobok2 nvarchar

    N_rucne int

    N_ID N_Cas100ks N_vyrobok N_kplan N_KS_Hod N_Vyrobok2 N_rucne




    ALTER Procedure dbo.UPdata


    @e_Nplan char(20),

    @e_Ncas char(20)



    Update Cis_OP_NO

    SET N_Cas100ks = convert(float,replace(@e_Ncas,',','.'))

    Where N_Kplan = @e_Nplan


    Error message:

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not premitted when the subquery follows =, =! , ....

    Thank you

  • There is your problem. I bet you that when you run

    select (((450/i.N_Cas100ks)*100)/8) from Cis_OP_No WHERE N_ID = @e_Nplan

    you will get more than one row returned. As the error message tells you "This is not premitted when the subquery follows =, =! , ...."

    As a matter of interest, why do you have two INSERT/UPDATE triggers, one for handling of updates to N_Vyrobok and one for N_Cas100ks? If I were you I would combine them into one.

    A little knowledge is a dangerous thing (Alexander Pope)
    In order for us to help you as efficiently as possible, please read this before posting (courtesy of Jeff Moden)[/url]

  • First of all you don't need 2 triggers.

    As well as correlated subqueries.

    ALTER TRIGGER Cis_OP_No_Trigger

    ON dbo.Cis_OP_No



    IF (UPDATE (N_Vyrobok) or UPDATE (N_Kplan))

    update p

    set N_Vyrobok2 = i.N_Vyrobok + '/' +i.N_KPlan

    from Cis_OP_No p

    inner join inserted i on p.N_ID = i.N_ID

    IF UPDATE (N_Cas100ks)

    update p

    set N_KS_Hod = 450/i.N_Cas100ks*100/8

    from Cis_OP_No p

    inner join inserted i on p.N_ID = i.N_ID


    Second, you don't need triggers at all.

    Use computed columns instead:

    CREATE TABLE Table Cis_OP_No (

    N_ID int,

    N_Cas100ks float,

    N_Vyrobok nvarchar,

    N_Kplan nvarchar,

    N_KS_Hod AS 450/N_Cas100ks*100/8 ,

    N_vyrobok2 AS N_Vyrobok + '/' + N_KPlan,

    N_rucne int


    Ths way you'll always have you calculations done instantly and correctly.

    P.S. Did not test the code, there may be some syntax errors.

    If you find ones refer to BOL , topic "CREATE TABLE".

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thank you, Sergiy I will try it, what does it mean BOL?

  • peter478 (5/25/2009)

    what does it mean BOL?

    Books On Line, "Help" for SQL Server, press F1 to open.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • oh yes Sergiy, thank you , btw

    the procedure works properly.

  • peter478 (5/27/2009)

    oh yes Sergiy, thank you , btw

    the procedure works properly.

    You're welcome.

    Did you try computed columns?

    Much less hassle.

    To give it a try you don't need to delete existing ones, just add 2 and see if it has what you'd expect.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Not yet , but I will test it

  • Hi, I've just tried computed columns and it works as well.

    yes, you are right it is much better.

    Thank you.

  • You welcome.

    Happy to help.

    Code for TallyGenerator

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